Example sentences of "has [verb] [conj] [pron] is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Over the past few days , police officers have asked me why a community has to wait until someone is injured or killed before an offender is sent to prison for a lengthy period .
2 Adams showed the authority and leadership you would expect from a defender who has won 17 caps at senior level but in World Cup terms the most significant performance came from Gascoigne , who cut out the asides and showed some of the tactical discipline he has to acquire if he is to make the most of his natural talent in international football .
3 It merely states that the normal and primary justification of any authority has to establish that it is qualified to follow with some degree of success the principles which should govern the decisions of all authorities .
4 In terms of printer use , the librarian has to state whether s/he is using 1 ) Parallel ( Centronics output ) or 2 ) Serial ( RS423 output ) Most printers will be parallel and this can be easily checked by looking at the microcomputer .
5 Yes , er I 'm very worried about this aspect of er whose finger er on the nuclear trigger , because the nuclear referee in the Soviet Union is divided between mainly peace states , Russia , Ukraine and , now Boris Yeltsin has said that he is going to protect his Russian minorities in Ukraine and , now I fear that if that comes to some kind of a conflict then it 'll be very uncertain as to what arrangement could be made about er , honouring international agreement and about ultimately too er , any kind of nuclear er congregation .
6 May we take it from what he has said that he is saying definitely that he would be prepared at Maastricht to make an irrevocable commitment to a single currency ?
7 University College , Bangor , has revealed that it is to get an extra £330,000 from the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales as part of a £2.1m handout to Welsh colleges .
8 They have come to their agreement , they have done their job well , and they have produced and excellent education system and the blip which he is talking about is one which is forced on us at the present time by a Conservative Government , who has decided that there is going to be no further expansion in the school service which we 're providing , and indeed is imposing upon us cuts which are going to mean that we reduce those services , and to argue that from a point of view that it 's a considered piece of policy from a Government which if I has introduced , if I may say , Poll Tax , an economy which is a disaster area , exports in nothing happening there , inflation
9 Manager 's Signature : the signature of the New OED Project Director to indicate that he is aware of the change and has agreed that it is needed .
10 Kean has proposed that what is omitted in spontaneous speech are the elements of sentences which are unstressed — commonly , prefixes , suffixes and function words .
11 This information would not be automatically collected from the request , but is essential in order to describe the person fully , and the retrieval process has to ensure that it is provided .
12 Every time a coach gives a lesson to a 5 or 6 year old child , he has to believe that he is giving a lesson to a future Wimbledon champion .
13 However , with the creation of further women 's organizations , the need to have a unified representation has increased and it is expected that a new co-ordinating body will be founded in the near future .
14 Since the QT Meeting on the 7th has indicated that she is feeling a little better and for the time being is willing to continue as the Teachers ' Representative , however , it is possible that in the future she may require assistance to carry out her duties .
15 The wider food industry now has to demonstrate that it is using all within its power to minimise the risk of injury to the health of the consumer .
16 The Princess of Wales has announced that she is to cut dramatically the number of public duties she performs .
17 JIM HICKEY has announced that he is to leave his post as director of Filmhouse in Edinburgh to pursue a career in film-making .
18 Following the announcement in January that it had suspended production of the Cambridge and Linx brands , Wharfedale has announced that it is to discontinue Linx , though it will undertake to maintain warranty and spare parts support .
19 The Benefits Agency , an executive arm of the Department of Social Services , has announced that it is switching its operation from Holyhead to Llangefni , 16 miles away .
20 The European Commission has announced that it is dropping court cases against the UK on five projects deemed to infringe EC law , [ see EDs 57 ; 55 ; 52 ] .
21 The Danish Government has announced that it is to carry out an inquiry into the accident .
22 Norway has announced that it is to kill between 300 and 800 minke whales this year .
23 Unfortunately , this week , IBM has announced that it is lopping $1,000m off its research and development budget , and indicated that turnover will slip back below $60,000m …
24 In advance of the annual meeting of the International Whaling Commission ( IWC ) , the Icelandic government has announced that it is leaving the organization , having given the requisite six months notice .
25 THE Independent has announced that it is calling on the Office of Fair Trading to investigate The Times for unfair competition .
26 The Indian government has announced that it is to refuse further World Bank funding for the highly controversial Narmada Dam project [ see EDs 61 ; 64 ] .
27 British Gas has announced that it is to abandon its operations in Ecuador , citing economic grounds .
28 Meanwhile , Berkeley 's Computer Science Research Group has announced that it is to end its work on BSD 4.4 following the final releases this year .
29 THE Bank of Scotland has announced that it is to cut the monthly rate of interest on its Classic Visa Card and Bank Mastercard from 1.8 per cent to 1.63 per cent .
30 On the standards side , DEC has announced that it is working with International Software Systems Inc ( ISSI ) , Austin , Texas on an architectural definition and implementation plan for the European Computer Manufacturers Association ( ECMA ) Portable Common Tool Environment ( PCTE ) standard .
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