Example sentences of "been the [noun] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It has also always been the case that Democratic Unionists have been more willing than Official Unionists to try to prevent republican marches .
2 It has never been the case that central Government would indemnify local authorities for expenditure when they are already given money through the revenue support grant to enable them to undertake their responsibilities , and that is not a way forward .
3 Although there are disagreements about where the boundary between the middle and working classes should be placed , it has often been the case that manual workers are regarded as being working class , and non-manual workers as middle class .
4 It must always have been the case that some problems are inherently insoluble , but perhaps it is the stress on all social services that turns the CAB into the last port of call when all others have failed .
5 It has almost always been the case that some group or groups have controlled and exploited other groups .
6 Halifax general manager David Gilchrist says : ‘ It has always been the belief that this process of consultation would be extremely cumbersome and costly .
7 One of the problems of dealing with Community Charge , apart from sheer volumes has been the fact that different issues have been dealt with by different sections .
8 Had it been the form that all agencies were not mentioned , this may have been acceptable , but to be forced to listen to a litany of other agency names — not least Barkers Trident — without a single mention of our own was deplorable .
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