Example sentences of "has been used [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This method has been used with success in the study of the coinage of archaic and classical Greece , where , for instance , the evidence of several large hoards has enabled a fairly detailed sequence and chronology to be established for the earliest Greek silver coins , made in the fifty years or so before about 475BC .
2 This conceptualization , no different intrinsically from that of " filling " , has been used with discretion in the systemic analysis of M. O'Connor. , His primary example is Num 23.7 :
3 I mean the phrase better low pay than no pay , has been used to sort of describe the economic situation and , and , and the , and almost the economic development strategy .
4 Known for its skill and aggressiveness in dealing with its enemies it has been used for hunting from an early date in history .
5 This is the first time in Britain … possibly in Europe that this legislation has been used for enforcement in this way
6 This has been used as evidence of the continuing popularity of marriage .
7 For a long time the peat has been used as fuel by the more isolated farmers , or crofters , in the north-west .
8 Although the archive has been used from time to time by researchers in pursuit of specific information , no general survey of the contents has been undertaken since the death of Lord Beveridge in 1963 .
9 In this context , we shall assess how the Act has added to police power and what effect it has had when it has been used in tandem with the pre-existing law .
10 Even more interesting is the effect , if any , on copyright law in the United Kingdom and other common law countries such as Australia and New Zealand , although it should be noted that the previous test in Whelan v Jaslow has not had any notable judicial successes in the United Kingdom even though it has been used in argument on frequent occasions .
11 Dowsing has been used in association with more traditional ley-hunting techniques .
12 But in practice force has been used in self-defence with commanders arguing there are too few troops to be involved in guerrilla warfare .
13 It has been used in jewellery on and off for nearly 1000 years , for crucibles in the laboratory and in industry for nearly 200 years , as a catalyst in industry for 150 years , in the electrical industry for 100 years and now , most recently , in modern metallurgy and medicine .
14 UniSQL 's unified relational object-oriented DBMS UniSQL/X , which manages multimedia data and device support , has been used by MIT for the last year as an enabling technology .
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