Example sentences of "has been [verb] [prep] some [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of generalising findings from one patient to others by treating them all as representing instances of a single syndrome , the approach is to treat them all as people in whom a language-processing system which , before their neurological damage , was the same for all of them , has been impaired in some specific way .
2 You will soon realise that this is no ordinary bishop 's letter , since it has been written by some young people from this deanery .
3 An even more limited approach has been adopted in some other cases .
4 One pattern of language use which has been observed in some bilingual communities is that of reciprocal language use .
5 THE SEX APPEAL of Ian McShane , the leathery-voiced star of Lovejoy , has been questioned by some male critics recently .
6 The confusion over Anglo-American relations has been compounded by some influential Americans , including Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger , who subsequently argued that the United States should have backed the British over Suez in 1956 .
7 Locomotives and the routes themselves have always attracted authors in profusion but in recent years that trend has been punctuated by some useful and illuminating titles on passenger and freight vehicles .
8 His capitulation has been condemned by some comfortable historians , unthreatened by a London mob and remote from Stapledon 's horrifying end .
9 For this was not the anger of the cripple , who can never be sure if he has been shaped by some vengeful god or made accidentally by a purposeless universe .
10 Nithard 's statement that they waited , as agreed , until 8 a.m. before joining battle , has been rejected by some modern historians , who think that Charles and Louis instead swooped before 8 on Lothar 's sleeping camp .
11 She tells me that her son has been influenced by some flighty little English madam to renege on his own responsibilities in order to give her a conducted tour of Copenhagen . ’
12 He also put more emphasis on public worship , prayers , and the sacraments than most of his contemporaries , and played down the role of preaching as a means of edification ; for these reasons , Hooker has been seen by some ecclesiastical historians such as Peter Lake as ‘ close to the ideological origins of Arminianism ’ .
13 What an extraordinary position has been reached in some Christian theology , such that it is thought , at least at a subconscious level , that somehow Christ and Mary are a pair , Christ male and representative of men , and Mary female and representative of women , was brought home to me by the following incident .
14 It is invaluable as a record source and has been enhanced with some excellent photographs from the likes of Billy McLeod and Harold Ford who also contribute to the Ulster Cricketer .
15 It is invaluable as a record source and has been enhanced with some excellent photographs from the likes of Billy McLeod and Harold Ford who also contribute to the Ulster Cricketer .
16 ( Because it obviates the need to collect the spot as well as the futures prices , S t has been replaced in some empirical work by F t ; see , for example , Dusak , 1973 ) .
17 Her interest has been aroused by some new paintings which she has seen in a SoHo gallery , which a friend has compared unfavourably with the work of Lee Krasner .
18 Another method that has been tested upon some blind people is the regular use of the hormone melatonin , a product of the pineal gland .
19 An analogous phenomenon has been noted in some diarrhoeal syndromes such as tropical sprue , coeliac disease , and short gut syndrome , where intestinal transit is reflexly inhibited .
20 One of the most promising directions , which has been pursued by some large advertising agencies , and which has been extensively talked about , is so-called ‘ lifestyle ’ research .
21 For example , the distinction between pre-clinical and clinical studies has been eroded in some medical courses .
22 A much shorter RYR3 has been identified in some non-muscle cells .
23 The reasoning of the courts in denying employee status to agency workers has been criticised by some academic lawyers as a failure to accept the reality of their objective situation.2 Equally important is the fact that in some cases the operations of " agencies " and " works contractors " are virtually identical .
24 The campaign has been denounced by some leftwing union activists as a diversion from the need for industrial action .
25 True , the credibility of the direct sales channel has been undermined by some spectacular bankruptcies , most notably those of Olympic Technology — which sunk with debts of over £4 million — and Ti'ko , which went down owing close to £2 million .
26 As has been suggested in some other epithelial cancers the oesophageal stem cells are possibly the initial target for carcinogens and therefore these cells in particular require urgent study in the future as this disease is increasing dramatically in the western world .
27 Surmounted by a slender clock-tower , which summoned the Belgian bourgeoisie to rendezvous with the trains as surely as any muezzin summoning the faithful to prayer , it looks for all the world as if it has been transported by some mischievous jinn on a magic carpet .
28 This draft response indicates which DTAC responses he has taken into account , and any member whose DTAC 's response has arrived late or has been omitted for some other reason can ensure that relevant points are not missed .
29 Huckleberry Finn has been proscribed by some American libraries because of its repeated use of the word nigger , even though it was written more than 100 years ago , it was set in the Deep South , and a central purpose of the novel was to challenge prejudices about the black man .
30 The proposal has been welcomed by some local councillors .
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