Example sentences of "has been [verb] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 So erm can you tell us what proportion of the work erm had been completed before prices were fixed erm for those packages that have been an and also what proportion of the work has been completed on those packages yet to be priced .
2 Population decline has been halted in many areas since the mid-1960s to its present level of 346,000 , with employment in manufacturing trebling in this period and total employment growing by one-half ( Shucksmith and Lloyd 1982 ) .
3 The debate has been characterised by deep-seated differences of opinion , but it has been recognised on both sides of the House that the British coal industry faces formidable challenges .
4 Indeed , the role of fibrinogen in platelet aggregation has been recognised for many years ( Born & Cross , 1964 ; Brinkhaus et al , 1965 ) .
5 Salicylate nephrotoxicity has been recognised for many years .
6 Furthermore , its application to class differences has been recognised by many commentators , most notably in the work of Basil Bernstein ( 1971 ) on whom Greenfield leans heavily .
7 The importance of accountability relationships to economic success has been recognised by those writers who point to the rise of the Japanese version of ‘ collective ’ capitalism .
8 Indeed , the whole point of the local sign theory , as an alternative to the ‘ place pure and simple ’ account has been lost on some psychologists .
9 Since then , the Castle has been defended against many sieges and attacks and its walls have never been breached .
10 View the directory to verify that the file has been saved under both filenames ( see Task 6 )
11 The Irish Bank Officials ’ Association , over the years , has made a tremendous contribution to the welfare of its members and we know that in recent times IBOA has been engaged in many struggles to protect those terms and conditions .
12 A YOUNG flying ace of a Spitfire squadron which has been engaged in many battles over Britain , and who married a former Sheerness Carnival Queen , has been killed in action .
13 He has been bailed on several sureties and appears in court tomorrow . ’
14 These major companies are very stable , with an organisational structure which has been developed over many years and , like the Japanese Zaibatsu , they have a large-core business which is able to withstand changes in the market place .
15 It may be related to the size , complexity and nature of the company 's operation and therefore to the organisational structure which has been developed over many years .
16 The use of sacred measure and proportion has been developed by many researchers to postulate a geometrical pattern across the land , extending Watkins ' ley theory into wider concepts of ‘ landscape geometry ’ , and we have already looked at the work of Tyler , Lawton and Koop in exploring wider patterns .
17 Will the success that has been developed in these areas be supported or impeded by the 1988 Education Reform Act ?
18 However their interpretation has been criticized on several counts which show that ‘ the family-firm analogy is misleading and generally overworked ; its character is usually symbolic or ideological rather than descriptive ’ ( Fruin 1980 p.432 ) .
19 The expenditure of public money on this , yet another television service , has been criticized in some quarters , but the Governor told me his decision was based on the fact , as he saw it , of NTV 's pro-Federal bias .
20 It is a stance which has been nurtured by several things , family bereavement and an intelligent , contemplative nature amongst them , but was perhaps most impelled by the experience of coaching in Bangladesh in the winter of 1989–90 .
21 Superficially , such a judgement would have been rather puzzling , given that adverbs , including adverbs of manner , normally can qualify the verb believe : ( 71 ) we must reluctantly believe what she says 4.8 The proposal to treat the adjectives of Sections 4.5 and 4.6 as if they were part of a modified subordinate clause is not of course a novel one ; notoriously , the postulation of modified subordinate clauses has been adopted by many writers in recent decades as a grammatical panacea for all manner of syntactic problems .
22 Palynology has been adopted by many biogeographers and pollen analysis was the basis for the reconstruction of the detailed vegetation history of many specific areas although more recently emphasis has changed from individual sites to the reconstruction of patterns of change in Britain ( e.g. Barber 1976 ) and in the tropics ( e.g. Flenley , 1979 ) .
23 It has been adopted by many authors and consultants and it seems to mean many things , depending on the author and context .
24 This flexible approach to arranging help for childcare has been adopted by several companies .
25 The distributed aspect contrasts sharply with the lumped nature of circuit representation of discrete components that has been adopted in all networks considered so far .
26 In Yip Kai-foon the Privy Council rejected the solution which has been adopted in some jurisdictions of directing the jury to convict of the offence which they consider to be more probable .
27 This species has been recorded on both sides of the North Atlantic and from Arctic Seas ; in the east it has been recorded from the Kara Sea south to the Faeroe Channel and in the west from the Davis Strait south to off Maryland , with a bathymetric range of 50–2727 m .
28 Though Oslerus has been recorded from many countries there is little data on its local prevalence .
29 A. lymani has been recorded from both sides of the North Atlantic : in the western Atlantic it has been recorded off Nantucket in 547–1764 m while in the eastern Atlantic it has been found in the Bay of Biscay and off Portugal at depths of 1541–2350 m .
30 A tenuispina has been recorded from both sides of the North Atlantic .
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