Example sentences of "has a [noun sg] of [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 It also has a couple of sockets over the ears where you can plug in what is to all effects a stethoscope . ’
2 In both craft and continuous-flow production the worker has a sense of control over the work process , claims Blauner .
3 Unlike France , however , the parliament is not constitutionally supine ; indeed it has a degree of control over policy which some might envy , although this is more a result of governmental weakness than anything else .
4 Ah , so the the child 's mind is uncluttered , it 's more easily able to erm , observe things , take in things , learn things , and has a lot of advantages over us older , us adults .
5 It will be noticed that the personal sector has a surplus of receipts over expenditure of £500 million , the public sector has a deficit of £1,500 million , the external sector has a surplus amounting to £1,000 million , and the industrial and commercial sector is in balance .
6 An innkeeper , as we have seen , is under a duty to provide reasonable refreshment if so required and accommodation to a traveller ; hence , the innkeeper has a right of lien over a traveller 's property as well as over a guests ' to ensure that the traveller 's bill is duly paid .
7 Trial work suggests that the technique has a number of advantages over other forms of injection .
8 An alternative approach which has a number of advantages over linear control systems , is the switching regulator , or as it is more usually known , the ‘ switch-mode power supply ’ .
9 But Bourdieu 's notion of structure ( partly because it includes agency ) in modernity has a number of advantages over these other analysts .
10 Special thesaurus software has a number of advantages over the alternative , which is usually the use of a database package or a word processing package to store terms .
11 The most promising of these techniques , the polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) has a number of advantages over more conventional methods .
12 The non-professional also has a number of advantages over professional services .
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