Example sentences of "has to [be] [vb pp] in [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Chords of two , three , and four notes are often written for violin , viola , and cello , but great care has to be exercised in their use to avoid technical difficulties .
2 The visa has to be stamped in your passport , and they ca n't do that while you 've got it . ’
3 All that has to be stored in my brain is ‘ If you want coffee , and are at A , go to C , and then D , and then E. ’
4 From London we would carry general merchandise back to Rotterdam — Every ship has a ledger to herself , and the manifest for every voyage has to be entered in it , so that you know precisely what the returns from each voyage are .
5 The Army 's rolling three-phase military redundancy programme of 30 per cent between 1992 and 1995 has to be mirrored in its catering back-up .
6 In all educational settings , authority as a teacher has to be earned in one 's effectiveness as a teacher .
7 If there 's absolutely no reason to fear for your children 's love , and equally no reason to doubt your man 's attachment to you , then the problem has to be rooted in you as a person .
8 Experts say it can be treated successfully , but has to be spotted in its early stages .
9 The suppression of the truth is always a serious matter because what has to be substituted in its place can do even more damage .
10 Carol 's been a bad girl so Carol has to be put in her place in front of the man . ’
11 It has to be put in its place .
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