Example sentences of "has be [verb] to [be] the " in BNC.

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1 The social cost of these processes , added to by government policies , has been said to be the end of ‘ consensus politics ’ and a turning away from the notion that the social hierarchy can be perceived to be legitimate .
2 More generally , however , this tort has been said to be the genus of which the other unlawful means torts ( intimidation and interference with contract and conspiracy where unlawful means are involved ) are species .
3 For Marxist sociology , as we have seen , cause and correction have not usually been problematic , since capitalism has been assumed to be the cause and the transition to socialism the cure ; their attention has been more directed to capitalist law-creation and-enforcement .
4 Through the club magazine , Tryline , it will also be an additional communication vehicle for their work and Will Carling has been asked to be the first honorary president of the club as he lead the very team which embodies the aspirations of the club itself .
5 Such increases in tannin in browsed Acacia nigrescens in southern Africa have been reported to take place in a few minutes and the production of ethylene during damage has been considered to be the promoter of tannin increase .
6 For that God has been conceived as male , and that biblical teaching which arose out of a patriarchal society has been held to be the revelation of God , must surely be seen to be the underlying facts of western culture which have led to discrimination against women .
7 Such has been reported to be the case by some authors ( Subirana , 1969 ; Luria , 1970 ) but not by others ( Russell and Espir , 1961 ; Newcombe and Ratcliff , 1973 ) .
8 And it has been proved to be the way to do client server software with all of the other major vendors now moving towards this type of implementation .
9 Moreover , by choosing an option that has been shown to be the best in terms of quality of life days gained general practitioners would be more certain that they were acting with beneficence ; at present , using simply their ‘ unaided intuitive judgment ’ to make such decisions , they can only hope that this is the case .
10 Now C D thirty one is an endophilial cell adhesion molecule and the antibody has been shown to be the most specific marker of vascoendophilia and consistently in studies has stained more vessels than other markers .
11 It has been shown to be the most abundant neuropeptide in the central nervous system and is also widely distributed throughout the peripheral nervous system .
12 When a telephone is installed , it is possible to have a very long flex put on for very little extra cost , and it can then be carried to any room , but you should consider the advantages and disadvantages of this carefully before coming to a decision to have it done , as it has been known to be the cause of accidents to some old people .
13 It is the effort and pressure which the bowel-wall muscle has to exert in propelling onward the firm faeces produced by a Western diet ( rather than the soft and voluminous matter produced by fibre-rich diets ) which has been found to be the cause of this illness .
14 JB-4 ( Polysciences ) , a water-soluble resin , has been found to be the optimal embedding medium .
15 The multiplication of agencies as a means to greater bureaucratic efficiency may be objected to on the grounds that one of the major obstacles to the successful implementation of government programmes has been found to be the existence of numerous competing administrative bodies which so many programmes seem to involve because of overlapping policy fields and jurisdictions ( Gunn 1978 ) .
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