Example sentences of "has [been] [adv] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Here , the only water is from artesian wells , now contaminated by the industrial effluent and the huge garbage-dump , where the rubbish from Nova Iguacu has been partly ploughed back into the disturbed hillside .
2 A cable car takes you from nearby Ehrwald to the Zugspitzkamm station at 9,203 feet which has been partly blasted out of the rock .
3 I choose this example because it has been well worked through in a paper by Betty Lou Dubois in Language and Society ( 1987 ) .
4 They receive a child who has been badly let down in the past , who has to learn , painfully , how to care and trust again .
5 At least one crop of winter beans has been completely wiped out by chocolate spot , ADAS confirms .
6 This has been particularly remarked on in government contracts and has led to pressure to move towards fixed-price contracts .
7 Until the final scenes Bolam 's Macbeth is a placid , middle-management man who may reckon he has been unfairly passed over for promotion .
8 Fergie 's title has been casually lined through with a ballpoint pen .
9 Mr Mukhametshin has been repeatedly let down by Russian suppliers , which in turn forces Anis to let down foreign customers .
10 What is amazing , therefore , is that the agency that has the responsibility for this programme — Milton Keynes Development Corporation — has been largely wound down over the past few years and the remainder of it will cease to exist in 1992 .
11 Drivers report no guerrilla attacks , even though security north of the Salang Tunnel has been largely handed over to local militia units and the army withdrawn .
12 Okay finally , a third m major er class of ion channel i which has been extensively worked on over the last few years , since the advent of patch clamping er has been second messenger gated channels , so-called second messenger gated channels .
13 Work has been temporarily held up as old drains are discovered and re-routed .
14 I did not choose to reprint it , but the material has been freely drawn on by others , sometimes in all but word for word form .
15 The naivety of Irish politicians in dealing with the foreign mining companies has been excellently summed up by O Faircheallaigh : Irish politicians ' ’ response … to this situation was to accept as valid the mining industry 's account of what it needed .
16 As a result the hierarchical structure of the state has been increasingly broken up by horizontal structures of working parties , ad hoc reviews , and above all , semi-autonomous government agencies ( see , e.g. Barker 1982 ) .
17 This has been overwhelmingly borne out by clinical psychoanalytic investigations of the id .
18 The package has been successfully read out of LIFESPAN and updated , but can not be re-entered into LIFESPAN because you are either not the package manager or do not have an active DC referencing the package .
19 The module has been successfully read out of LIFESPAN and updated .
20 The second ground ( ’ knowing receipt and dealing ’ ) , has been neatly summed up by Bingham J :
21 Losing Out has argued that , since 1979 , a minority of the population has been progressively cut off from other people on low income , let alone those on average or high incomes .
22 The facility , at Spynie on the northern outskirts of the town , has been officially handed over to its operators , the Aberdeen-based Skene Enterprises Group .
23 The reformed character 's level of co-operation in training and responsiveness to advice has been noticeably improved along with his dress sense .
24 With the development of the form of recklessness found in MPC v Caldwell [ 1982 ] AC 341 ( HL ) , which applies in this area ( Seymour [ 1983 ] 2 AC 493 ( HL ) ) there are now authorities to the effect that manslaughter by gross negligence has been totally swallowed up by reckless manslaughter : Kong Cheuk Kwan v R ( 1985 ) 82 Cr App R 18 ( PC ) and Goodfellow ( 1986 ) 83 Cr App R 23 ( CA ) .
25 ‘ I just feel it has been totally taken out of my hands . ’
26 ‘ You 'd be surprised how many diabetics manage to live perfectly normal lives , provided they follow the diet that has been specifically worked out for them , and it is important , ’ she stressed carefully .
27 Yet many easterners complain that , since their revolutions began in 1989 , the Community has been too wrapped up in its own affairs to give them the attention they deserve .
28 Now I 'm against that and I 'm therefore against I regret to say what the Noble Lord , Lord said , and I 'm extremely sorry to see that he has moved on this particular matter er because th there is no case , that has been really made out for this .
29 The most common quarry is the houbara bustard , which , after centuries of hunting with falcons , has been virtually wiped out in the Arabian Peninsula .
30 Prickett , a former captain of the Wanderers , has been warmly welcomed back at the Memorial Grounds .
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