Example sentences of "has [not/n't] [verb] [pron] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Haines obviously finds the idea of one machine for all , possibly based on Taligent , conceptually attractive , but says he has not heard anything in IBM about a merging .
2 I trust Cully Chatterton has not appropriated it in order to check out casino share prices . ’
3 Ken has encouraged me to circulate this , although he has not seen it in detail .
4 The government has not done anything about smoking .
5 Even if it is assumed that actual bodily harm has been inflicted in these circumstances , the defendant has inflicted it during intercourse but has not inflicted it in order to have or continue having sexual intercourse .
6 Having her daughter has not stopped her from doing more or less what she had planned , but has spurred her on to better results .
7 If you look around for some field that has yet to be used in a crime story and then insist on using it when it has not filled you with enthusiasm , your book will be leaden .
8 Traditional Socialist values , notably egalitarianism , remain but , as Roy Hattersley frequently complains , Labour as a party has not embodied them in policies — or even slogans — that enunciate a clear vision of what a Labour Britain would be like .
9 The school is the type that has not adapted itself to alternative , non-academic needs and which , in general , is not sensitive to the fact that pupils are people with as much right as anyone else to be respected .
10 She has since declared herself bankrupt and has not paid anything towards damages or Dr Smith 's costs .
11 COHSE says experience in three West Dorset trusts , the South Devon Healthcare NHS Trust and the East Gloucestershire NHS Trust has not convinced it of PRP 's worth .
12 Liverpool University has not approached us regarding flood defence assessment . ’
13 She certainly has n't met anyone like Zeinab . ’
14 Has n't seen one for years .
15 It 's eight now and Mr Vigo has n't seen it for years .
16 This stupid Lee at the moment for his exam , he 's meant to have done it by Christmas and he has n't done it for C D T , and he , they had to just choose something erm to make that actually sort of works , so Lee could n't , I mean they did crane 's and things like that and he could n't , the thing he came up with and he 's teacher was a , a go erm , what was it Dave , a goalie stand in his goal
17 the bumper bundle of review samples they were sending has n't reached us in time for this issue , though , so look out next month for further toe-tappin' details !
18 Not that she has n't got plenty of admirers .
19 I 'll tell you I 'm going back to Lucy next time , she 's , she 's alright Vivien but she has n't got it like Lucy , she 's not as particular .
20 ‘ She has n't got you in thrall .
21 The first thing to say is that BMW has n't left anything to chance .
22 he Monday , he has n't had one since Monday night .
23 ‘ I suppose Paul has n't mentioned anything like expenses ? ’
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