Example sentences of "has [vb pp] [conj] [pron] has [been] " in BNC.

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1 The interpretation of the requirement in practice has varied and there has been a tendency for some companies to understate rather than emphasise the significance of what they have done .
2 The wistful look back to the glorious and not-so-glorious age of steam has ensured that there has been a rush to print off books about the railwayman 's experience .
3 Analysis of the nuclear DNA of the mole salamander Ambystoma has shown that there has been crossing with males of related sexual species .
4 In this context , we shall assess how the Act has added to police power and what effect it has had when it has been used in tandem with the pre-existing law .
5 This has occurred when there has been a decline in antral tumours .
6 It has meant that it has been ‘ abstracted from … all use and practice ’ , and has become a purely speculative matter of ‘ high flights and abstractions ’ .
7 The virtual demise of modern constitutional history as a subject of study has meant that there has been hardly any analysis of the major constitutional questions which arise out of the crisis — what role did the king play , what are the relative rights of the Prime Minister vis-à-vis his Cabinet , what is the relative importance of party and of the ‘ national interest ’ , and what justification can there be for a peacetime coalition government ?
8 In Scotland , the lack of development of Elderly Mentally Infirm Homes and the failure to implement the recommendations of the Timbury Report has meant that there has been increasing pressure on local authorities to care for " the mentally confused " ( the SWSG term ) and problems getting people into psychiatric care as they deteriorate .
9 The National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) has confirmed that there has been a " real and significant deterioration " in the quality of some waterways in England and Wales between 1985 and 1990 [ see also ED 52 ] .
10 But , if the end-result of the changes has not been significantly to reduce spending , it remains to be determined what it actually has achieved and what has been at stake .
11 Research which has suggested that there has been an increase in voluntary early retirement has been based on the responses of financially secure early retirees ( see , for example , Heidbreder 1972 ; McGoldrick and Cooper 1980 ) .
12 The recent lacklustre share price performance has suggested that there has been some doubt as to the practical benefits of separation , not least how future dividend payments will be structured .
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