Example sentences of "has [adv] be [verb] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 This has since been refined with the issue of the revised Capricode ( DHSS , 1986 ) manual in 1986 .
2 The systems approach has necessarily been identified with a positivist approach and as such has been less resilient in human ( Johnston , 1983a ) than in physical geography .
3 Cocoa has long been associated with the Temperance societies and other groups who fought against the consumption of alcohol .
4 One of the Tories who broke party and class ranks was Dame Janet Fookes , who has long been associated with the RSPCA .
5 Mr Molyneaux has long been associated with the integrationist wing of his party , which feels that devolution for Northern Ireland would be too unstable , given the requirement for power-sharing between unionists and nationalists .
6 The site has long been identified with the Durobrivae of the Antonine Itinerary and the Ravenna Cosmography , and its name is further recorded on several mortarium stamps .
7 Leith has long been identified with the craft of Shipbuilding .
8 This trend has only been strengthened with the enfranchisement of spending power in modern industrial societies .
9 This is a very laborious and exacting technique and , to date , it has only been used with a few plants .
10 It must be said that this has apparently been achieved with a good deal of success in many societies in many different periods .
11 Although this research has largely been conducted with the intention of studying perception rather than memory , the frequent use of recall tests gives some insight into the overall levels of memory performance and the possible dissociations between initial perception of road signs and subsequent memory for them .
12 But their sacrifice has finally been recognised with the dedication of a memorial to their deaths .
13 In the General Prologue the Reeve is thus described : and : and the Host responds to the serious reflections of the Reeve 's Prologue accordingly : But the Host too has appropriated a character , as judge and ruler of the tale-telling game , that takes him beyond the predictable attributes of his normal station in life : while in the fiction of the Tales , the Miller has just been attributed with the strengths of the court poet Chaucer as a narrator .
14 It is very difficult to design a pressed flower picture on to a background material that has already been printed with a design , and if you were to use a floral fabric it might be hard to spot where your picture stops and the print begins .
15 In the course of earlier related research in the context of accounting applications , contact has already been made with a number of UK organisations who are using , or about to use , expert systems .
16 A major start has already been made with the agreement that Scottish Nuclear can store its spent fuel on site rather than send it to BNF 's reprocessing plant at Sellafield in Cumbria , which will save £45 million a year .
17 Mr Saunders has already been charged with the theft of the £5.2m , raising the possibility that this part of his trial may have to be delayed until Mr Ward is extradited .
18 In Japan , over US$800 million has already been spent with every major electronics firm having an involvement in some aspect of HDTV development .
19 I have it on good authority from a cousin in Stockport , who has a drinking buddy who knows the car park attendant at Altrincham , that my name has already been linked with a managerial post at both Rotherham and Manchester United .
20 A meeting has already been held with the Government 's new Environment Minister , David Maclean .
21 A second new steam engine being built by the Ravenglass and Eskdale for export to Japan , has already been supplied with a new Llanberis multi-tone .
22 To the western world , however , the Swastika is probably the most disturbing image that has ever been associated with a political regime .
23 In fact the Minke whale , the smallest species , has always been hunted with a non-explosive grenade .
24 Modern constitutionalism then has always been linked with the problem of power , in theory as well as in practice .
25 Criticism in this space during an inexorable slide this season has always been delivered with a heavy heart .
26 It has always been bred with an emphasis on good food conversion rates , whether for the production of meat or milk .
27 Passenger rolling stock has also been upgraded with the installation of new electrical system and P.A. system and the carpeting of carriage aisles .
28 Contact has also been made with the Home Affairs Select Committee which has taken on new responsibilities of interest to the Bar , including legal aid .
29 It has also been planned with the understanding that people are among the most valuable assets that any firm or corporation has .
30 Barton , 23 , an England B international who has also been linked with the Gunners , is a versatile player who has won rave notices since joining the Dons from Maidstone two years ago .
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