Example sentences of "been [vb pp] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 They have been examined by experts in many different parts of the world .
2 Nor did Gustave — shouting for wine , leading the animal round the room and bellowing its virtues : ‘ The young phenomenon is three years old , has passed the Académie de Métecine , and has been honoured by visits from several crowned heads , etc . ’
3 Less has been heard from mothers for many of whom maintenance is their only chance of getting off benefit .
4 Canon by inversion is not as easy to follow as normal imitation , and perhaps by reason of this obscurity it has been favoured by composers in this century — or at least by those who prefer obscurity to clarity .
5 This is a good argument as it stands but one can well imagine that it would have been pressed in terms of these hopefuls having a right to be paid if they succeeded .
6 The plant , an older-style , Soviet-designed pressurised water reactor , has been plagued by problems for several years .
7 The Blackbird Leys estate , together with others in Oxford , has been plagued by joyriders for more than a year .
8 Since the 1960s , when a number of new social movements — among them the student movement , various national and ethnic movements , and the women 's movement — became extremely active in political life , a great deal more attention has been given by sociologists to such forms of political action , which may be seen not only as constituting a basis or context for the development of more highly organized political activities , but also as political forces in their own right , existing alongside and sometimes in conflict with , established parties and pressure groups .
9 A tiny teardrop in a shimmering sea at the foot of the Indian peninsula , Sri Lanka is an untamed isle which has been coveted by Westerners for many centuries .
10 The barons complained that Henry III had arbitrarily re-afforested woods and lands which had been put out of the forest by the perambulations of 1225 ; that he claimed the wardship of heirs to assarts made within the forest , to the detriment of the overlords in whose lands such assarts had been made ; and that he made frequent grants of the right of free warren in disafforested areas , thereby restricting the free rights of hunting which ought to have been enjoyed by landowners in such districts .
11 This could well explain the fact that the trend since 1970 towards deferring first births has largely been confined to women with more education ( see Joshi , 1985 ) .
12 Some guidance can be derived from a study of flexible learning methods where whole courses have been designed for students in this staged progressive fashion .
13 The Conservatives have been concerned about what they have regarded as bias , especially left-wing bias , in the way issues have been presented to pupils by some teachers .
14 In addition , in its role as a Designated Research Centre the scope of research has been widened and contacts have been made with researchers in many other countries , including USA , Sweden and France .
15 That was pretty stupid , because not only was he on the list of residents , but he 'd been seen at mealtimes by several of the other members .
16 History has been seen by politicians of all parties as being vital to informed citizenship .
17 The polymerase chain reaction has been unquestionably unique , as new techniques go , in the speed with which it has been embraced by non-experts in most specialties of the biological sciences , including medicine .
18 In 1678 he applied for a patent for a new way of processing flax , which may have been related to investigations of this topic made under the society 's auspices in the 1660s .
19 It seems most likely , however , that it was a word like ‘ Teddy Boy ’ or ‘ Mod ’ or ‘ Skinhead ’ which , coming out of the popular culture of working-class London , had been adopted by youths in some localities in order to describe themselves and what they took for their common identity .
20 He was quick to come to the city 's defence , arguing that , what was lacking in financial support , was made up for in sheer determination , enthusiasm and innovation , ‘ We have been keen to draw out the general cultural life of Dublin ’ , he explained , ‘ much of our funding has been matched by donations from such organisations as the EEC ’ .
21 Non-brecchia rocks have been produced by impact-disruption of large sheets of various highland rocks and of mare basalts , and brecchias have been produced from fragments of these rocks .
22 The plant oil closely resembles sperm-whale oil , which has been used in cosmetics for many years .
23 This technique has been used by salespeople for many years and consequently should be used with care , especially with professional buyers who are likely to have experienced its use many times and know exactly what the salesperson is doing .
24 Remarkably , the unit has been forged from members of both the former SWAPO guerrillas and the South-African backed koevert counter-insurgency force , who only two years ago were locked in a ferocious bush war .
25 ‘ She said she had been locked in a flat in Moston for about a week and had been injected with drugs during that time .
26 Users have been conditioned by accountants over many years , so that their expressed needs may simply reflect marginal improvements on what they have already been receiving .
27 Dealers have been showered with complaints about this highly sophisticated piece of equipment which has apparently developed a serious fault .
28 In some cases registration was said to be complete when no one had been entered on lists at all .
29 Delayed increases in rotation rate have not previously been observed in glitches in any pulsar , on either a short or a long timescale .
30 The possibility that these momentarily high pressures may damage jointed rocks can not be ignored , but there is , curiously enough , no direct evidence as yet that actual damage has been caused by waves of this type .
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