Example sentences of "been [vb pp] [adv] [prep] [adj] year " in BNC.

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1 Among the canonist collectors and commentators at Bologna ( and probably also in Rome from time to time ) were the Englishmen , Gilbert and Alan , whose importance in canon law scholarship has been recognized only in recent years .
2 Diplomatic relations between the UK and Libya had been broken off since that year .
3 Lawrence said the team had to deliver for fans who had been let down in recent years .
4 Though the morale of the Party faithful had been temporarily resuscitated by Hitler 's rhetoric , it is clear that rhetoric alone was no longer sufficient to restore the confidence of the considerable sections of the population who had only superficially been won over in previous years by the magnitude of Hitler 's seemingly undeniable ‘ achievements ’ and who had suffered irreversible disillusionment since 1941–2 .
5 How much unpaid Poll Tax has been carried forward into this year 's budget ?
6 No Community Charge arrears have been carried forward into this year 's budget .
7 As for the social composition of the judiciary , the many surveys that have been carried out in recent years ( see Griffith , 1995 : 25 ) show the overwhelming predominance of upper-class and upper-middle-class backgrounds .
8 It 's been re-opened today after 2 years renovation and the new tenants will be paying £15,000 this year alone .
9 All the frustration and anger that had been bottled up for 16 years were suddenly out .
10 The financial resources of Abbey National are exceptionally strong and our reserves have been built up over many years through a combination of prudence and innovation .
11 Our tool kit has been built up over many years and we did n't have to buy much : a long tape measure , a new pickaxe handle , some new screwdriver bits ( we lost one down the cavity ) .
12 A reputation had been built up over several years for the use of computers in the fields of manpower planning , personnel statistics and other industrial relations applications .
13 Despite continued inflation such small increases in remuneration have been conceded only after many years of negotiation .
14 Life has been made easier through these years of work by the excellence and space of my study .
15 Although this has been argued over for fifty years , the size of this ancient catastrophe now seems incontrovertible .
16 He had not been seen much in recent years , and Peggy Pine — who was Mother Francis 's line of communication with the outer world — said that he was now in a wheelchair as a result of a stroke .
17 Such a financial obstacle would send most people looking for an easier option , but Dreamflight has been helped enormously in recent years by Spar supermarkets who have raised £350,000 .
18 He has been helped there by two years under the expert tuition of All Black Wayne Shelford .
19 A UDC would undermine the ability of the elected local councils to implement the 1976 Docklands Strategic Plan , which had been agreed only after many years of discussion and debate ( Leaders of the London Boroughs of Greenwich , Lewisham , Newham , Southwark and Tower Hamlets , 1979 ) .
20 Several racecourses would like to stage more Sunday meetings but so far no fixtures ( apart from a point-to-point ) have been drawn up for next year .
21 The park has been used regularly for 30 years by Yorkshire County Cricket Club and it is also home to Middlesbrough rugby and cricket clubs .
22 Some have been used informally for many years , subjective assessments such as those made by parents , teachers , and librarians .
23 By now in his eighties , Yusuf would never again return to Spain — he too had been worn down by long years of struggle to remove the thorn of El Cid from his side .
24 Next month she will have been locked up for 4 years without being charged or tried , while an examining magistrate struggles to assemble enough evidence to convict her of murdering first her husband and then her boyfriend .
25 One of Napier 's longest-running courses has been phased out after 24 years .
26 An important policy matter which has been aired occasionally in recent years is the size of academic library collections , compared with the amount of use they receive .
27 10–17 Jesus violates the taboo against healing on the sabbath by healing a woman who has been bent over for many years , justifying this on the grounds that it is even more urgent to help a fellow human being , a woman , than to rescue an animal that has fallen into a ditch ( an exception allowed under the law ) .
28 Can we be assured that those regional representatives will reflect the political majority in those regions and will not simply be Government nominees , as we have seen in so many quangos and regional bodies that have been set up in recent years ?
29 ‘ I was sorry to see it go in a way , but on the other hand it 's been laid up for many years and now it 's going to give pleasure to other people .
30 A common problem in geographical information systems ( GIS ) , and one which has been known about for many years in the context of choropleth mapping , is that of producing maps from population data aggregated over selected arbitrary areal units .
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