Example sentences of "been [vb pp] up on [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Without qualifying their opinion , auditors Hacker Young draw attention in their report to the basis on which the industrial textiles group 's accounts have been prepared ; they have been drawn up on a going concern basis .
2 In order to assess how ‘ fair ’ the warranted Accounts are and to verify or compare profit/and/or net asset growth it is useful to be able to assume that previous accounts have been drawn up on a similar basis and that , for example , the Vendor has not unfairly weighted the profits for the warranted Accounts .
3 THE mutilated bodies of two British women tourists have been washed up on a deserted South African beach .
4 This particular perversion , I notice , like every other , has been set up on a professional basis in go-getting New York .
5 turnpikes or toll-bars have been set up on the several great roads of England , beginning at London , and proceeding thro' almost all those dirty deep roads , in the midland counties especially ; at which turnpikes all carriages , droves of cattle , and travellers on horseback are obliged to pay an easy toll … in no place is it thought a burthen … the benefit of a good road abundantly making amends .
6 Tamar had been brought up on a tenanted farm and was sensitive to the diffidence felt when an approach to the landowner was necessary .
7 He 'd been brought up on a steady diet of blood , sweat and tears and Douglas Bader .
8 United fans have been brought up on the sublime skills of attackers like Best , Law , Charlton , Stuart Pearson , Jimmy Greenhoff and Frank Stapleton .
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