Example sentences of "been [vb pp] to [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By the outbreak of the war the State had reorganised the railways into four companies where there had been 130 before ; nationally owned corporations had been created in broadcasting and air passenger transport ; a national grid for electricity supply had been created and a national supply industry organised ; agriculture had been rescued from the doldrums by regulation of its prices and quota systems ; while encouragement had been given to sometimes savage reductions of capacity in shipbuilding , textiles and mining .
2 Managers have not , on the whole , been predisposed to numerically oriented analysis , clinicians have not pushed for cost or outcome data preferring to focus upon patient care processes and cash inputs have been on the basis of fairly crude recurring allocations .
3 Had it been accepted , the District would have been confined to only three centres in Norfolk — Norwich , Great Yarmouth and King 's Lynn and would have withdrawn from at least ten other centres at which WEA branches had existed , some from the early twenties .
4 Indeed , much natural language research has been addressed to precisely this problem .
5 Engineers were reported to suspect that one of the telescope 's two mirrors had been manufactured to slightly incorrect specifications , resulting in a distortion of images in the visible spectrum .
6 Conclusions about the lack of success with young offenders have been transferred to quite different groups such as the elderly or mentally handicapped as well as to children and young people in care generally .
7 The neutrons came from fusion reactions between particles that had been accelerated to very high energies by magnetic fields the scientists were using to contain the very hot ionised gases that were supposed to support fusion .
8 Their pectoral fins have been turned to yet more purposes .
9 We have seen an example of this general short-sightedness in the the cultural community 's reactions to the tragedy of Los Angeles , which like other conflicts today has been attributed to purely local factors .
10 The edges of the neck and headstock have been bound to very good effect , with commendable attention to detail .
11 And living organisms themselves constantly change their environment , altering its chemical composition by eating , breathing , excreting ; altering its geography by building and destroying ( this relatively obvious concept has been raised to almost metaphysical status by James Lovelock and his devotees as the grandiosely named Gaia hypothesis ) .
12 Detailed information on company operations is found to be available only from the individual concerns , and in order to determine the types of materials handling undertaken in the region , a detailed questionnaire has been distributed to over 350 companies , and over 150 replies received .
13 And the C-based virtual object command language has been enlarged to over 500 commands , making the system more accessible to non-programmers .
14 Increasingly , they have been linked to more nefarious activities , from cheating on taxes to financing cocaine traffickers .
15 Andrews cost Saints £200,000 when he joined from Celtic three years ago but has been restricted to just five appearances as understudy to Tim Flowers and now wants to return to his native Midlands .
16 To cover such a broad topic in a single monograph , examples have been restricted to fairly simple compounds .
17 Without Ecuador , whose September decision to quit OPEC [ see p. 39120 ] was formally approved at this meeting , output had been reduced to around 24,700,000 bpd .
18 The ability to view infant care practices in any other light than whether they help the infant in his basic struggle to live is , then , something peculiar to our own century and , within this century , to the technologically advanced countries in which infant and child mortality rates have now been reduced to comparatively insignificant proportions .
19 ‘ The energies expended on continually fighting for funding could have been put to more practical use but the decision vindicates that effort , ’ she said .
20 Of course , pairs of probes that have been hybridised to mutually disjoint libraries can not can not be compared in this way .
21 The village is almost completely destroyed , which is not surprising , due to the bombardments that it has been subjected to since 6th June by British artillery and naval guns .
22 As a result of these difficulties , the second approach was adopted of breaking bone in an artificial environment that simulated the stresses it may have been subjected to under natural conditions .
23 None the less , even in this period , the economy has been subjected to fairly regular cycles of minor expansions and recessions .
24 It seems to have been subjected to considerably less editing than the Gospels .
25 Perhaps after a long and unpleasant time in various German prison camps in Bavaria , Czechoslovakia and Brunswick , where the prisoners had been subjected to very severe bombing raids in which a number of them were killed , he had lost some of his characteristically boyish expression , but his sense of humour had n't suffered .
26 Forth patients had been operated on , 14 of whom had been subjected to only ileocoecal resection .
27 Ten Year Award badges have been issued to over 100 people .
28 Promotional packs have been sent to over 100 organisations and a number of discussions have taken place with interested parties .
29 A highly-sensitive questionnaire has been circulated to almost all members of the southern defence forces .
30 The library of Virtual Clip Art — a supply of ready made objects , many of them with intelligence , textures , sound and dynamics — has also been doubled to over 200 objects .
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