Example sentences of "been [vb pp] or [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As the vehicle is 30 years old they have probably been repainted or changed in the past unless your L.R. was a fire engine .
2 Courts may more readily accept that fiduciary duties have been modified or excluded in the context of a commercial agreement between parties of equal status28 than where the customer is inexperienced .
3 The pro-democracy student demonstrations subsided , but the issues raised had not been addressed or resolved by the party .
4 Everything we say or write is connected both with things which have been said or written in the past , and with things which may be said or written in response to it in the future .
5 On arrival at Smolensk , our peasant soldier discovers that all the equipment of his unit has been embezzled or stolen from the luggage-van .
6 That section is in the following terms : ( 1 ) Every one who by words spoken or written or by conduct represents himself , or who knowingly suffers himself to be represented , as a partner in a particular firm , is liable as a partner to any one who has on the faith of any such representation given credit to the firm , whether the representation has or has not been made or communicated to the person so giving credit by or with the knowledge of the apparent partner making the representation or suffering it to be made .
7 One lawyer at the French court observed that it had ‘ never been seen or known for the kingdom of France to be subjected to the government of the king of England ’ .
8 ‘ The clauses probably have been misused or overused as a tool .
9 But none of these principles could have been exploited or pursued in the ways in which they were had there not been tacit approval and support on the part of the state .
10 The stock is , to the extent that it has not already been used or sold in the ordinary and normal course of trading in good condition and working order and capable of being used or sold in the ordinary and normal course of trading .
11 If our beliefs have never been challenged or put to the test we may doubt their validity now .
12 Unlike the varied operations and sequences of the unique ‘ one-off ’ products of jobbing production , the products of batch production are dealt with systematically in lots , or batches , only moving on to the next operation , when each lot has been machined or processed in the current operation .
13 The charge means that the Board is entitled to recover the shortfall on its expenditure out of the property that has been recovered or preserved by the assisted party in the proceedings .
14 Those who protest have been arrested or threatened by the Army but the campaign for ‘ free trade ’ continues .
15 ‘ In reasoning or inventiveness , little has been gained or lost in the build-up of the human species during the last five millennia .
16 Only the original ball can be used , and must have only been touched or handled by the player throwing in .
17 Like all good selectors , they had not been swayed or influenced by the most recent of events and clearly stuck to a game plan which may well have been devised before the 1992–93 season even commenced .
18 Mail relating to the mail messages for the current user , the New figure shows the number of unread mail messages and the Old figure shows the number of mail messages which are still retained in LIFESPAN but which have already been printed or read by the user .
19 — relating to the mail messages for the current user , the New figure shows the number of unread mail messages and the Old figure shows the number of mail messages which are still retained in LIFESPAN but which have already been printed or read by the user , eg. 13 new messages and 1 old message .
20 A crime may be recorded as cleared by the police for a variety of reasons : where an individual has been charged or summonsed for the offence ( whether or not they are found guilty ! ) ; where an individual admits an offence and receives a formal caution from a senior police officer ; where an individual convicted of an offence asks , before sentence for other offences to be ‘ taken into consideration ’ ( TICs ) ; where forces officially take ‘ no further action ’ and the offence is written off .
21 Leaving aside publications in parts , which are a special problem , books which should contain advertisements can not be reckoned complete without them , so that , if they have been removed or discarded in a rebinding , the value suffers considerably , even though the text is perfect .
22 The external body features like arms , hands , legs , and genitals of the dolphin 's land-based ancestors , have either been eliminated or withdrawn inside the dolphin 's body to create the most beautifully proportioned and elegant of forms , perfectly streamlined for movement in the water .
23 The vendor will be required to warrant that no industrial action has been taken or threatened in the last few years .
24 Many wars have been started or sustained by the exploitation of religious beliefs , but even if this method of prolonging wars could be removed by a rationalised attitude to ‘ god ’ and religion , it does not necessarily follow that wars would never be started , but nevertheless they might well be greatly shortened .
25 of July 31 reported that a regional governor had confirmed that 250 guerrillas had been killed or captured since the beginning of 1990 .
26 The Hungarian Foreign Minister , Mr Gyula Horn , broke his country 's silence on the crisis to say that several hundred people had been killed or wounded at the weekend .
27 So many men had been killed or wounded in the war , that it would be ten years before another generation would fin the gaps .
28 Claiming that 180 soldiers had been killed or wounded in the attacks , the FMLN said that its offensive had been launched because of the " total immunity that exists in this country for members of the armed forces who violate human rights " , and to counter the military 's " triumphalist and all-powerful " attitude to the current peace process .
29 UNITA officials also made unsubstantiated claims that many of their MPs had been killed or arrested since the elections .
30 However , where the goods have been destroyed or stolen at a time when they were at the buyer 's risk ( see paragraph 3–36 ) , then of course he is under a duty to pay , even though delivery is impossible .
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