Example sentences of "been [adv] [det] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is surprising therefore , that there has been so little public interest in this country in proposals to release into the environment living , man-made creatures .
2 There could have been so much important material in what has been called " The Domesday Book of the Highlands and Islands . "
3 There could have been so much important material in what has been called " The Domesday Book of the Highlands and Islands . "
4 It is difficult , and possibly unwise , for one person to attempt omnicompetence in an area of the Church 's life in which there have been so many recent changes in rapid succession .
5 Argentina has not been just any other market for British arms ; it has been one of Britain 's best customers in a long relationship .
6 There has been yet another substantial increase in resources for the NHS , and that will enable a continuing reduction in waiting lists and better service for all those who use the NHS .
7 She had been about to collude with Stan in the face of all her good resolutions , and there would have been yet another indelible stain on her spirit which , she suspected , were it available to her , she would not care to put unwashed in her underwear drawer .
8 The problem with this is not merely that there has been very little serious thinking within multiculturalism about how ‘ cultural understanding ’ actually occurs , about its forms , mechanisms and limits .
9 The incidence of bully/victim problems in schools within mainstream children has now been well-established ; however while it may be likely that children with special educational needs will be over-represented in such categories , there has been very little quantitative evidence on this point , or on which types of special needs children are most likely to be involved , in which way .
10 It thus seems that there has been very little geological reworking of the Mercurian surface since the apparent planet-wide obliteration of most craters at the beginning .
11 There has been very little previous research on autobiographical memory .
12 ‘ There has been very little objective research into the work done by reporters and its effectiveness , ’ said Mr Miller .
13 So far there have been very few legal challenges to disciplinary action falling short of exclusion , apart from those concerning the use of corporal punishment which is now banned in the state sector .
14 Been too many good tups over the past few years .
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