Example sentences of "been [prep] [noun] [prep] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The big dealers are really being hit as some have been under investigation for almost a year and have had their passports confiscated .
2 McLeish himself , though admiring , had been unaffected ; he had been in love for over a year with a young woman only a little older , and even cleverer , than Sergeant Crane .
3 The plane looks almost identical to the old Hercules which has been in service for over a quarter of a century .
4 Those projects observed had been in progress for over a year and most had established a good opening strategy as might be expected from their ability to identify schools with good potential for change .
5 He had thought she 'd rally round even though he had n't been in touch for nearly a year .
6 And yet the thing had been in place for probably no more than a matter of weeks .
7 New York 's mayor , David Dinkins , has been in office for only a year , so is obviously not responsible for these decades of neglect .
8 Except treasury bonds , no bonds may be publicly bought and sold unless the issuer has been in business for over a year , the prospectus has been appropriately published and the issue is gone through an issuing house , and the prospectus has been approved by the Authority .
9 They are meant to plug the gaps in the trade embargo that has been in force for almost a year .
10 As a means of reproducing plates in illustrated texts , lithography had not been in use for even a decade .
11 Notice that over 40 per cent of those people unemployed on the day of the count had been without work for over a year .
12 Taking men of working-class origin of the same age group in 1983 , and signifying unemployment as a separate category , the survey found 22 per cent were upwardly mobile , 40 per cent remained in working-class positions , while a further 11 per cent had been pushed down into unemployment , and over half of this last group had been without work for over a year .
13 One is , of course , that an old and tried medicine which has been on use for perhaps a hundred/a hundred and fifty/two hundred years is really a very safe medicine and you wo n't come to much harm by buying it and taking it .
14 US Budweiser and the firm in Ceske Budejovice have been at loggerheads for almost a century , exchanging writs over the use of the Budweiser name .
15 He knew that she had not enjoyed his homecoming or the renewal of a sexual life ; throughout their married life he had been at home for only a few weeks at a time , and she had been free to make her life as she chose .
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