Example sentences of "been [adj] [noun] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As for the tabloids , additions to the range of publications have either been arm's-length extensions of existing publishing groups ( Today , 1986 — ) or born out of existing publishing houses ( Mail on Sunday , 1983 — , Star , 1978 ) .
2 There have been conflicting reports of raised levels of neutralising , circulating antibodies to adenovirus 12 in coeliac disease patients .
3 There had been conflicting opinions by individual judges on whether injuries must be sustained by a living person before next-of-kin could sue .
4 Hostility to wealth and demands for its redistribution have been normal features of British politics since the 1890s .
5 TNC pays far too little attention to issues of progression and continuity at this important point of transition , especially for those who ( for whatever reasons ) have been low attainers at secondary school and do not wish to enrol on A-level courses .
6 It is not surprising , then , that there has , for many decades , been strong resistance to complementary medicine , on the part of conventional medicine .
7 On one hand there seems to have been strong appreciation of fine results achievable under dual control of violin and keyboard , as in Italian opera .
8 There has been extensive coverage of select committees ( especially in the Thursday programme as many committees meet on Wednesdays ) and some coverage of standing committees ( perhaps not surprisingly , the committee on the Broadcasting Bill seems to have had particular appeal for the broadcasters and 16 of its sittings were televised ) .
9 In the US there have been extensive experiments with new forms of reporting and in Europe , Germany stands out as the leader in environmental reporting .
10 This is one reason there has been rampant speculation about foreign involvement in the bombings .
11 I accept what the hon. Lady suggests , because clearly there have been regional differences in economic conditions .
12 Although planning has a number of wider social implications for rural areas , many of these have been unintentional side-effects of physical planning policies .
13 But that had been seven months ago , a chill morning in mid-February , when the bushes which screened the canal walk from the neighbouring council estate had been tangled thickets of lifeless thorn ; when the branches of the ash trees had been black with buds so tight that it seemed impossible they could ever crack into greenness ; and the thin denuded wands of willow , drooping over the canal , had cut delicate feathers on the quickening stream .
14 The starting-point in Eastern Europe has been clear rejection of Marxist economics and clear commitment to a market system , complete with private ownership and private enterprise .
15 Certainly they conceded that these activities were popular in the sense that millions of people availed themselves of them but their argument had been that only in a very limited way can we talk of these activities as belonging to the masses : rather they represented the expropriation and packaging of what had previously been popular forms by middle-class organizations and in most cases by businessmen and entrepreneurs .
16 Of course , there have been historical fluctuations in revolutionary activity , as well as considerable variations between societies — with revolutionary parties having had a greater influence in France and Italy than in the rest of Western and Northern Europe or in North America — but the predominant style of working-class politics everywhere has been reformist , directed toward a gradual attrition of the unregulated market economy .
17 There has been limited provision for gifted children in the past .
18 There has been limited mention of special children ( or children with special needs ) so far in this book .
19 The regulations against which the Opposition are praying concern backdated entitlement to benefit where there has been official Department of Social Security error or where relevant evidence was not known at the time of the original DSS decision .
20 The resolution attracted strong criticism from party chairman Shimon Peres and from Rabin ; the small religious parties had in the past been crucial components of Labour-controlled coalition administrations .
21 In addition , there have been tremendous advances in ecumenical co-operation , locally and nationally , in the music that is used and in the church music organisations .
22 Does he further accept that the report identifies that there has been serious disturbance in primary schools in recent years ?
23 Fothergill and Gudgin ( 1979 ) , in a study of manufacturing in the UK between 1959 and 1975 , show that there has been rapid expansion in rural areas , while Spence et al .
24 Until then there had been widespread sympathy for Polish aspirations for greater autonomy ‘ and the government had moved cautiously in that direction .
25 It is well known that there has been widespread acceptance of restrictive trade measures falling outside the formal GATT rules , e.g. voluntary export restraints and anti-dumping legislation .
26 Ever since I can remember there have been little stickers of white paper all over the house with neat black-biro writing on them .
27 THE PAST three dry years have not been good ones for young trees .
28 Speaking to The Art Newspaper Ms Lyles noted that while there have been major surveys of British watercolours in recent years ( such as that held at the British Museum in 1985 ) these have tended to be in-house shows , with the emphasis on highlights from individual collections .
29 There should have been major expenditure on affordable provision , this would be a major factor in getting people back to work . ’
30 There has been great progress in recent years in this quest , but its attainment is still thought to be decades away and the cost effectiveness of this research is being increasingly questioned .
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