Example sentences of "been [art] [adv] [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The British Conservative party has been the most successful political party of the modern era .
2 It has been the most successful new beer product launched in the UK off-trade over the last decade .
3 As a force for maintaining peace and preserving freedom , Nato has been the most successful military alliance in history .
4 erm , but , you see , they would of been the most aggravating little gits there , because as soon as they found out , they all started messing about then , for three hours it was on , could you imagine sitting in there with them lot for three hours ?
5 They based their case on grounds of both efficiency and democracy. : These advantages were obtained by many of the former county boroughs which Redcliffe-Maud considered to have ‘ been the most effective local government unit we have known ’ ( Redcliffe-Maud 1969:Vol 1 68 ) .
6 Yet so far Mr Major has been the most European-minded prime minister since Edward Heath .
7 This has been the most fastest growing part of the holiday taking in this country over the past two or three years and I 'm hoping it will continue and so does our industry — in other words the hotels and accommodation , the tourist attractions — all are hoping , you know , that people are going to continue to do this erm and I think this may apply to certain sectors of the community erm and we just hope that that will grow .
8 An unbelievable 40–1 was available with Surrey Racing and this column , for what it is worth , believes this to have been the most outstanding each-way value of the season and a serious each-way proposition .
9 Plowden seems to have been the most used intermediate station .
10 It must have been the most bewildering social change since the Enclosures , and yet I can find no reference to it in the village School Log .
11 The Leningrad city and regional Communist Party first secretary and leading conservative , Boris Gidaspov , had been the most prominent local party leader to ignore party recommendations and had refrained from standing in the elections to the Russian Supreme Soviet , having apparently anticipated the kind of defeat inflicted at the polls on March 4 and 18 on many other Russian city and regional party secretaries .
12 St. Albans itself stood next to the remains of the ancient Roman city of Verulamium , which had been the most important Roman settlement in Britain after London .
13 We need , therefore , to consider next what have been the most important practical issues , in the closing decades of the twentieth century , which political sociology has to represent in thought and embody in its explanatory or interpretive schemes .
14 The effects of the net changes in social class have been modelled explicitly for the university sector in a number of forecasts ( Diamond and Smith , 1982 , 1984 ; Diamond , 1985 ; AUT , 1983 ; Collins , 1983 ) as well as implicitly by the DES ( 1984a , b , 1986b ) .4 These effects have been the most important single factor for which data have been available at a national level albeit only for the university sector .
15 This did not in practice apply to landless labourers or peasants with very little land , a large and growing element in the rural population ; but if it had been put into effect it would none the less have been the most sweeping social legislation seen anywhere in old regime Europe .
16 While the institutions rushing for the exit have been the small British firms , the institutions entering these markets — in addition to a number of major British banks — have been the comparatively enormous foreign houses .
17 She had always suspected that he 'd had little time for any brain power that she might possess — just as she had always known that her chief value for him had been the almost instantaneous sexual desire they had felt for each other .
18 One of the factors sustaining the growth of domestic demand in the USA has been the very considerable federal government budget deficit .
19 One reason why these two interpretations are commonplace is that , until recently , there has been no clearly articulated theoretical position which offered a viable alternative .
20 There has , to date , been no readily available published accounts of the amounts received and disbursed by the various victim compensation boards , but it would be surprising if it amounted to many millions .
21 Such a conclusion is not warranted : there does not appear to have been a clearly distinguished inner group and the more important men were not always those able to leave Westminster to travel with Henry .
22 One prominent scholar of Italian paintings believes that the National Gallery was ill served by the loan which seems to have been a rather persuasive pre-sale exhibition for the benefit of Lady Cook .
23 He must have been a rather remarkable Permanent Secretary — I should like to know more about him .
24 He would have been a jolly good permanent secretary .
25 This may have been a drastically altered Saxon church ; there are Saxon windowheads elsewhere in the fabric , but the Norman windows clearly do not date the fabric of the north chancel wall .
26 Although there has been a generally stable long-term distribution pattern at the regional level , closer inspection reveals that since the industrial revolution growth has not been uniform across the country .
27 Ratzinger had himself been a seemingly progressive young conciliar peritus .
28 If Knightshayes had been a really fine Victorian garden , you 'd have had to keep it as it was , but we 've turned it into a twentieth-century garden and that 's what the Trust has taken .
29 However , accountability has been a less controversial political issue on Merseyside .
30 THERE could not have been a less likely literary friendship .
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