Example sentences of "been [adv] [adv] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As Dr O'Brien has recently pointed out , in effect British governments between 1714 and 1815 constructed a revenue system from component parts which enabled them to increase tax revenues per head from Europe 's most rapidly growing population much more successfully than the French from the end of the eighteenth century , despite having been less heavily taxed up to then .
2 The French commission of inquiry found that the modification to the cargo door locking and vent mechanisms had been only partially carried out by the aircraft manufacturers before delivery to Turkish Airlines in December 1972 , six months after the Windsor accident .
3 If you thought that era had been long since killed off by the replacement of British wrestling on our screens by the outrageous comic-book exploits of the Americans , you would be horribly wrong .
4 Would Merymose , who had been so badly let down by Akhenaten himself , be able to feel any sympathy at all ?
5 Despite the fact that the public purse had been so shamefully ripped off by the sales and the asset stripping , it was left to the ratepayers , through the local authority , to pick up the tab .
6 Although women were proportionately less successful than men in being elected ( 24% of them came first as against 35% of men ) , 1990 resumed the upward trend in female participation in local elections which had been so strangely set back in 1988 .
7 She had been calm and not at all put out about Eve having abandoned all the plans that had been so carefully thought out for her .
8 Something of a spiritual vacuum prevailed following the discrediting of the orthodoxy hitherto imposed , and the values that had been so obviously tied up with the victor 's success and the material prosperity of the US seemed to be espoused with enthusiasm .
9 The left wing , though still attached to the fuselage , had been almost completely sheared off between the inner engine and the fuselage and was angled back about thirty degrees from normal .
10 In Samara city another hostile faction , the Workers ' Opposition , had been very strongly entrenched up to March 1921 .
11 He looked at her as if challenging her to argue with him and Alyssia had the drowning feeling of someone whose control had been very efficiently whipped out of her grasp .
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