Example sentences of "been [verb] into [noun] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Most have long disappeared ; many of those left have been pressed into service as gateposts on farms , or blacken slowly as lintels over fireplaces .
2 Some would have been formed into bomb-ketches and armed with mortars and howitzers .
3 Due to the process of evolution and survival of the fittest , a good memory and a strong fear for physical danger has been built into horses and reinforced for at least fifty million years .
4 That 's all been altered , i they 've all been made into shops and spoilt the you know , the and there used to be old 's , the shoe shop and Mr. 's watch shop and Mrs 's pastry shop .
5 Had it not been for the activities of Lady Laetitia 's lover , bold Sir Rupert Cartland ( played by an odious young actor who 'd risen to prominence by playing a tough naval lieutenant in a television series ) making with the garlic and the wooden stakes ( a bit of vampire lore crept into the script ) , Lady Laetitia and her father would have been turned into zombies and carried back to the subterranean cave , where they would never be heard of again .
6 Small operators have been driven into bankruptcy or bought up by the giants , and buses have become older and less reliable .
7 Architecture taken out of Palladio had been translated into English and published in England in 1663 , as had Gerbier 's Counsel and Advice to Builders .
8 Once all the correct lenses have been swung into place and focussing is complete , the initial dialogue between the time-travellers can be made more interesting by switching between close-ups , mid-shots , group shots , etc .
9 The mass that ‘ disappeared ’ has been converted into energy as described by Einstein 's equation E=mc 2 , which implies that a mass m is equivalent to an amount of energy E ( where c is the velocity of light ) and so mass can be converted into useful energy .
10 Since I trained in 1969/70 , it has always been drummed into trainees that taking photographs in court , or drawing , is regarded as contempt .
11 Since I trained in 1969/70 , it has always been drummed into trainees that taking photographs in court , or drawing , is regarded as contempt .
12 I have been forced into exile but maintain my work with the refugee community in Mexico City .
13 The UN High Commissioner for Refugees , Sadako Ogata , urged the US to double the amount of food it has been parachuting into Srebrenica and send 60 tonnes a day .
14 What has in effect been done with the Form Program is that , instead of the whole garment shape being entered as one program as is normally the case , the shape has been divided into sections that coincide with the stitch pattern lengths to be knitted with each worked out as a separate program .
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