Example sentences of "been [verb] [prep] [det] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Magritte 's career has not been examined in such detail in Britain since Sylvester curated a smaller and more exclusive exhibition for the Tate Gallery in 1969 .
2 I am convinced that stuff had been accumulating for many years in this cellar and that Ernest Griffiths had no idea what was in there .
3 Older embryos and more extended cultures benefit from a rotating system and , judging from the experience with rat embryos , the same is probably true for primitive streak stage embryos , although no direct comparison between static and rotating culture systems has been undertaken at this stage in the mouse .
4 This is an important consideration when attempting to interpret palaeoecology from the composition of fossil faunas that are derived from predator activity , and it has been treated in some detail in the appendix , where comparative data for a number of the predator species has been summarized .
5 • In rodents , rhythms continue to develop in animals that have been reared for several generations in constant conditions .
6 The previous half-year figures have been adjusted for this change in presentation .
7 And actually have been to support on many occasions in her constituency .
8 I think it extremely likely that the plaintiff would have followed the inevitable recommendation from its officers which would have been to proceed with this action in order to avoid paying compensation .
9 Not much enlightenment there ; the same reply could have been given at any time in the past four years .
10 As the minutes of the conclusions of the conference stated : " Various cases have recently been referred to this HQ in which doubt has been raised as to whether certain formations and groups should be treated as Soviet Nationals in so far as their return to the Soviet Union direct from 5 Corps is concerned . "
11 As we have seen , the order which summarised the rulings of this conference began by stating that " various cases have recently been referred to this HQ in which doubt has been raised as to whether certain formations and groups should be treated as Soviet Nationals " .
12 That is best illustrated by the fact that a similar case has been referred by another GP in north Devon to the same unit in Birmingham .
13 Here we know that the enclosure of the open fields began in the 1570s , and had been completed by some date in the seventeenth century .
14 That 's the level at which you would have been walking along this alleyway in nineteen ninety and about fourteen sixty .
15 The Namurian , Millstone Grit sediments have not been penetrated in any well in the area but are assumed to be present on the basis of the stratigraphic relationships deduced from seismic data .
16 Personally she had never been attracted to that sort in her life before .
17 He did n't mind admitting that he was attracted to Phil Prior , but then he had been attracted to many girls in the past .
18 It is perhaps noteworthy that two chroniclers refer to the plague of 1361 as the pestis puerorum , the plague of the children , and if it is true that children in particular had perished in that outbreak , it could be that by the early 1370s the supply of labour was being reduced by a shortage of new recruits , particularly as the survivors of 1361 would also have been attacked by another outbreak in 1369 .
19 I hope everybody understands er , Alton Towers is launching its new things today , Chessington opened this weekend , so we have n't been trading until this weekend in effect in our parks business .
20 No I did n't Stefan , we 've been blamed for some things in our time , have n't we but
21 The trouble was , it should never have been parked in that corner in the first place , so there was n't much the owner could say , apart from making the air blue for half an hour or so .
22 Shelling had been reported on both sides in early June and Azerbaijan claimed numerous Armenian attacks on Nakhichevan and the border regions .
23 Several of the Board 's leading civil servants had been pressing for more equality in provision .
24 Birmingham radicalism had been subdued in this way in the famous riots of 1791 against the radical dissenter Joseph Priestley .
25 The irony is even though the travellers have now been evicted from this field in Enstone … it will stay unused … the landowers are being paid to keep it that way as part of the Ministry of Agriculture 's Set Aside policy
26 However , top management became aware that all of the work-force reductions , although necessary , were not attacking the basic problem : the organization had been designed for another time in history rather than for the competitive world in which it now lived .
27 Useful features have been added to this database in particular to handle the relationships between individuals .
28 On the building maintenance side , it has been looked at several times in the past .
29 I think he had been listening to some people in the dale who had missed out on the shoot and the money that went with it , and were critical , or pretended to be critical , of people who worked for Sir Emmanuel and the other toffs — maybe a bit left wing , although Stanley was n't a person who took any interest in politics .
30 That the court can take such an initiative is well settled and indeed it has been done on several occasions in the past .
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