Example sentences of "been [verb] [prep] [noun pl] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 POLICE union fears over the role of the proposed 30-strong city crime prevention wardens for Glasgow city centre have been allayed after talks yesterday with the Strathclyde Chief Constable , Leslie Sharp .
2 Since the information stored is likely to differ from one employee to another , several relational database management systems for personnel records have been developed on micros exclusively for use in personnel applications .
3 Offers of help for the Bosnian evacuees have been received from countries all over the world including Britain .
4 The labour shortage in the USSR has been forecast by demographers now for nearly two decades .
5 The public meeting has been organised by Churches Together in Redcar , an inter-church body representing 15 churches in the town .
6 She realized that she was feeling it too , frozen to the marrow in this bitter East wind which kept whipping her cloak off her shoulders as contemptuously as if it had been made of pocket-handkerchieves instead of tablecloths , her stomach hollow and aching , her head feeling light and aching a little too .
7 So far , bookings have been made for exhibitions well into 1992 .
8 While the book may have been disappointing for Books Etc in Charing Cross Road , the overall UK sales were spectacularly good at over 40,000 copies in the trade — a record sale for a Herbert hardback .
9 A growing interest has been shown by manufacturers recently in broadening the range of freeze-dried foods to provide a useful alternative to frozen foods .
10 Carbide lamps hissed on the walls ; a few had been mounted on poles close to the plank circle .
11 Huge photographs of Ken Palmer 's run-out blunder involving Graham Gooch at Headingley have been displayed on buses all over Pakistan .
12 Most have been found in graves especially at Faversham which accounts for about two-thirds of all such beads found in England .
13 Often , even when an object can be positively identified as having religious significance , it may have no bearing on the situation in which it was found — many looted religious objects have been found in places far from where they were made and used .
14 It felt as if she had been travelling for days instead of only one , on and off , and she arrived as dusk was falling .
15 We 've known them for a while , they 've been travelling to games solidly for years and are better fans on that score than I 've ever been .
16 All of which have been greeted by members opposite with great acclaim .
17 Hundreds of do-it-yourself cement mixers have been removed from shops tonight after the discovery of electrical faults which could kill .
18 I have been talking to colleagues here in Oxford about the use of OALDCE 3/e in one of your hand held devices .
19 But if you can actually influence the French let us know because , or let the government know , because they , they 've been trying for years ever since Napoleon 's day , to try and do something .
20 Over forty-five gigantic works of Social Realism have been dismantled from sites all over the city and hauled to a 1.5 hectare sculpture park on the southern outskirts of the Hungarian capital .
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