Example sentences of "been [verb] [prep] [noun] [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 The public meeting has been organised by Churches Together in Redcar , an inter-church body representing 15 churches in the town .
2 The forerunners of the railway stations of the Trans-Siberian were the ètapes , the stockaded rest stations with barrack-like rooms , and the post-houses which had been built across Siberia earlier in the century .
3 While the book may have been disappointing for Books Etc in Charing Cross Road , the overall UK sales were spectacularly good at over 40,000 copies in the trade — a record sale for a Herbert hardback .
4 Although hundreds of identified Spitfires are recorded in the book as having been transported to Malta either in their holds or openly on the decks of many named cargo ships , it was interesting to note that the Author could find no mention in Spitfire — The History of the aircraft carrier USS Wasp nor of the serialled Spitfires it transported to the Mediterranean in 1942 for the defence of Malta .
5 A growing interest has been shown by manufacturers recently in broadening the range of freeze-dried foods to provide a useful alternative to frozen foods .
6 It seats approximately 180 persons for full silver service , and has been redecorated by Duchy throughout in traditional English style .
7 I have been talking to colleagues here in Oxford about the use of OALDCE 3/e in one of your hand held devices .
8 Interestingly , some of the relatively up-market brands of spirits — The Macallan , Glenmorangie — have been talking at length recently in their print ads .
9 A press release had been issued by Fidelity early in March 1984 forecasting a significant profits shortfall .
10 ‘ Dr Proctor has been kept in seclusion temporarily in the time-locked underground strongroom of the Anchorage branch of the GenTech Nomura Agricultural Loan and Trust Co , and has not as yet been able to confer with his lawyers or issue a public statement .
11 It had been released from Atlantis earlier in the week .
12 All propaganda was seriously affected , not least the publication of its newspaper Citizen which had been launched throughout London early in 1921 .
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