Example sentences of "been [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] month " in BNC.

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1 It is true that certain measures of nationalisation had been undertaken in the first months of Soviet government — for example , the Merchant Marine had been taken over in January 1918 and the sugar industry nationalised in May of that year — but the main efforts had been directed towards a stabilisation and regularisation of the tottering economy on the existing basis of ownership .
2 The following CAA Safety Evenings have been arranged for the coming months :
3 Neighbourhood Watch No incidents have been reported during the last month .
4 Neighbourhood Watch No incidents have been reported during the last month .
5 The period of calm after the year-end 1992 figures were out of the way and digested ended with a bang this week as Wall Street woke up to what we have been flagging over the past month — that estimates for IBM Corp 's first quarter performance were far too high , and that virtually no business was being done .
6 He admitted that mistakes had been made in the five months since he personally took over the government , especially in the slow pace of privatisation .
7 Mr Yeltsin admitted that mistakes had been made in the five months since he personally took over the government , especially in the very slow pace of privatisation .
8 He 'd thought that it was just the calendar which had been turned to the correct month , but something else had been changed too .
9 While the construction of arenas bounds on — an enormous amount has been accomplished in the past month — the organisation side does not seem to show the same urgency .
10 France .......... 27 Home Unions XV .. 29 THE LIONS ' claws have not been drawn by the two months they have had apart since Australia .
11 Some US holdings have been sold in the six months and more stakes in UK companies capable of dividend growth in a difficult climate have been bought .
12 January 's figures reflected the fact that the month had fewer business days , so some bankruptcies might have been postponed until the next month , the analysts said .
13 A report to Thursday 's recreation committee says art works in the Myles Meehan Gallery have been damaged over the past months to the tune of over £3,500 .
14 Now , what have you been doing for a whole month ? ’
15 ‘ When the police told me everything I had been doing over the last month it totally freaked me out . ’
16 And as luck would have it , I just happen to have a list of apparently germane truths which I have been maturing during the last month or so , after being worsted in various conversations .
17 Apart from the contributions they both made to raising the general temperature along the international border in the months leading up to the Iraqi onslaught in September 1980 , the first blow appears to have been struck in the same month by Baghdad with a broadcast announcement of the death of Ayatollah Khomeini.i The Iraqis had previously given a trial outing to a line of attack which underwent persistent repetition as the war proceeded .
18 Although the March general election failed to produce an outright winner , it ended the political chaos which had been associated with the final months of Blaize 's administration .
19 My task , after having been subjected to a six months ' course to learn Russian , was to supervise the packing up of the Wilhelmshaven dockyard , and arrange its shipment back to the Soviet Union as part reparation for the enormous damage that had been done to that country by Nazi Germany .
20 And , of course , nine French policemen have already been killed during the past month .
21 According to Indian Army statistics , at least 1,100 Indian soldiers and 2,200 Tamil fighters had been killed in the 32 months of fighting since the IPKF 's July 1987 arrival ; other estimates put the losses higher , and there had been an unknown number of civilian casualties .
22 He renewed an appeal to the Serbian-dominated Yugoslav army to prevent further massacres in Bosnia , where hundreds of civilians have been killed in the past month .
23 More than 11,000 rabbits have been killed in the 12 months since the Shetlands council introduced the scheme , which is estimated to have saved acres of grass , cabbages and turnips .
24 But even without the blank cheques originally promised , enough has been achieved in the 22 months since the Socialists came to power to make sure French research will never be the same again .
25 He has been stonewalling throughout the whole month since Lamb told the world , through the Daily Mirror , how the Pakistanis scuff and scrape and scoop at an old ball until it swings as though it was factory fresh .
26 And she explained to Sarah how they and the Thorntons had been married in the same month in 1839 and had all four spent that Christmas together .
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