Example sentences of "been [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 The budget debate had been delayed by opposition demands for an investigation into the government 's role in the various scandals .
2 ( The conference had been lobbied by gypsy delegations for their recognition as an ethnic minority . )
3 Its glowing looks have been favoured by country lovers for generations .
4 The filmwork has been undertaken by Video Action for the Touring & Recreation Committee and the result is a thoroughly professional film , well edited with its own music and with such techniques as slow motion and freeze frame used where necessary but not excessively .
5 On April 20 the Egyptian liberal opposition newspaper Al Wafd said that Abu Salih had been placed under house arrest for opposing the execution on April 16 of 20 army officers involved in a coup attempt .
6 Now a shocking report has revealed that most of these dogs are mass produced in hundreds of rural puppy factories , conditions have been likened to concentration camps for animals .
7 On the other hand , indirect taxes have also been criticized on welfare grounds for being regressive , the element of indirect tax embodied in commodity prices taking a higher proportion of the income from lower-paid groups .
8 The 60-year-old actress , who plays ‘ Poison ’ Ivy Brennan in the top-rated TV soap , has been plagued with health worries for years .
9 So Trumbull started moving the camera in and out , and stopped the lens down to a tiny aperture for maximum depth of field ( he had already been experimenting with zoom lenses for the cockpit readouts in other sequences ) .
10 By agreement between Mr Lyle and the Trust , extra opening hours and free admission to the gardens have been enjoyed by Trust members for some years .
11 Mr Gray said he knew of one man who had been threatened with court action for not paying his water rates when he did not receive a reminder .
12 Nigel 's been living in West Malvern for about two years now .
13 They seemed to have been stumbling through pitch blackness for hours now .
14 Anyway , the three of us have been seen as cartoon characters for a number of years .
15 It was Steve McQueen who was picked to play the French criminal determined to escape from Devil 's Island where he has been sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of a pimp , of which he claims he is innocent .
16 One morning a letter arrived from my literary agent , Michael Sissons , enclosing a handwritten manuscript of some 100,000 words written by a prisoner named David Cooper who , ten years earlier , had been sentenced to life imprisonment for his part in the Luton murder .
17 Besides Djohar and Taki , the six other candidates were : ( i ) Prince Said Ali Kemal , a former ambassador , the grandson of the last Sultan of the islands and founder of the Chuma ( Islands ' Friendship and Unity ) Party ; ( ii ) Mohamed Ali Mroudjae , a former Prime Minister , of the Parti comorien pour la démocratie et le progrès ; ( iii ) Mohammed Hassan Ali , a former Vice-President , now leader of the Moheli National Front ; ( iv ) Abbas Djoussouf , representing the Mouvement démocratique populaire ; ( v ) Mohammed Ali Mbalya of the Parti socialiste des Comores ; and ( vi ) Moustapha Said Cheikh , a Marxist standing for the Front démocratique , who had been sentenced to life imprisonment for his part in an attempted coup in 1985 , but who had been released from prison following Abdallah 's death .
18 French prisoners also protested in July 1990 at overcrowding and specifically at Mitterrand 's decision on July 27 , 1990 , to release Anis Naccache ( as well as four others connected with his case ) , who had in 1982 been sentenced to life imprisonment for the attempted murder in 1980 of the former Iranian Prime Minister Shapour Bakhtiar ] [ see pp. 30631-32 ; for links with Lebanese hostage issue see p. 36632 ; for August 1991 murder of Bachtiar see p. 38409 ] .
19 Two army officers had been sentenced to prison terms for an attack on unarmed demonstrators in Santiago Atitlán in December 1990 , when 16 were killed and 24 wounded [ see p. 37912 ] , and another army officer was awaiting trial for the murder in September 1990 of anthropologist Myrna Mack [ see p. 37707 ] .
20 In the space of four weeks , not only has the car been broken into , but the Health Centre has been robbed of computer hardware for our new cardiovascular screening programme , I have been threatened with violence in my consulting-room for refusing to prescribe opiates and my home has been burgled at 5.00 am by a seventeen-year-old wielding a club hammer .
21 The speeches had been interpreted into sign language for his benefit and that of other deaf representatives who filled the public gallery of the chamber .
22 Having said that , this aggressive , attacking style has been used on country records for 30-odd years — listen to sessions by Glen Campbell , James Burton , Chet , Fred Carter Jr. , Wayne Moss and the like , from back in the early '60s .
23 Much of the land has been used for squatter settlements for refugees from the fighting in Mozambique , while other parts have been cleared for banana plantations .
24 Since then these stents have been used in bile ducts for malignant obstructive jaundice and are placed either percutaneously or endoscopically .
25 Some of his expert systems have been used in plant/factory environments for several years ( i.e. COATEX for the process industry , ESEMA for manufacturing industry , etc. ) bringing benefits amounting to millions of pounds to AES Ltd customers .
26 Concrete hulls , reinforced with glass-fibre rather than steel , have been used in boat building for many years .
27 has been called for Jury Service for 2 weeks as from 21st , and will be in Singapore for the week commencing 28th .
28 The area has not been know for fashion stores for a long time , but the new Criterion building is the location of Sogo , the new drive-in fashion store .
29 Tachistoscopic and dichotic techniques have been employed in laterality studies for about two decades while the other methods described above were devised more recently .
30 She relaxed , as satisfied as if she had chaired a difficult meeting through to its triumphant conclusion or been acclaimed at Board level for the fresh approach of her latest report .
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