Example sentences of "been [verb] [conj] [pron] is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The relevant schools have been approached and it is intended to co-ordinate engineering , education and enforcement activities .
2 This has been done because it is believed that the State has an interest in seeking to prevent those actions and to punish those who so act .
3 It has been said that it is unsporting to receive help from another angler when you catch a fish .
4 I should be glad if the Minister would comment on the suggestions that have been made that there is wrangling with other Government Departments over who has to pay for these places .
5 The appointment of a transport adviser has now been made and she is preparing to leave for Accra at the time of writing this report .
6 No sooner , it seems , has one prospective long-term partner been secured than it is ditched .
7 The Employment Appeal Tribunal accepted his argument , albeit reluctantly , saying that , in the experience of the members deciding the case , in practice a redundancy ‘ is accepted as having been shown where it is demonstrated that the actual job which the claimant was carrying out had ceased to exist ’ .
8 Its lateral line should enable it to survive and eat , but even this may have been affected if it is bumping into things .
9 The dead man has not yet been identified although it is known he was 39years-old and was travelling as a front seat passenger in a Ford Escort van .
10 Local people know the history of their surroundings well enough , but visitors may not recognise land that has been reclaimed unless it is pointed out to them .
11 The potential for growth had been retained and it is said that some of today 's bulls gain weight faster than continental breeds such as the Charolais ; the meat itself is now of much better quality .
12 When the issue has not been discussed because it is felt to be too painful to talk about or because it is considered an unsuitable topic of conversation , then there may be problems .
13 One of the rockets has been destroyed and it is decided only Valerie and one other member of the group can return home , leaving perhaps no hope of rescue for the others .
14 reviews what has been achieved and what is known ;
15 Why ‘ Nicky Nan Night ’ is not known : it has been suggested that it is associated with ‘ Old Nick ’ , the Devil , and with the slang word ‘ nick ’ , to steal .
16 So far 11 of the 24 parks have been established and it is hoped to have remaining areas protected by the end of 1994 .
17 The format of these meetings has recently been changed and it is hoped that at the March and November meetings the administrative details will be kept to a minimum and that at least one major policy issue will be discussed in depth .
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