Example sentences of "been [art] [adj] [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 At no other time has either left or right been able to form a government without the support of the FOP , which has therefore been the essential junior partner in coalition either with the CDU/CSU or , less often , with the SPD .
2 Tazmamert has been the great forbidden subject in Morocco .
3 Geraldine Ferraro , who had been the Democratic vice-presidential candidate in 1984 , once again suffered because of her husband 's alleged connections with the Mafia and failed to win the Democratic nomination for a Senate seat for New York .
4 Since that time , interest rates have increased and there have been the well publicised problems in the sector .
5 To ask the Secretary of State for Health what has been the average annual increase in national health service capital spending since 1978-79 ; and what was the average increase between 1973-74 and 1978-79 .
6 This and our unbelievable performance against Northtown have been the only bright spots in another nightmare week .
7 ( Beckenham appears to have been the only municipal authority in the London area to have held motor-bus powers . )
8 At the same time , there has been the inevitable steep rise in the cost of maintenance of the parish church and presbytery .
9 One of the most characteristic features of the hospital sector in Britain in the past decade has been the massive overall reduction in the average length of stay ( Table 7.3 ) .
10 The Yemen Socialist Party ( Ali Salim al-Bid s. -g. ) , which had been the dominant political power in South Yemen prior to unification , remained a force in the unified Republic .
11 Traditionally the merchant banks have been the main financial advisers in a merger or acquisition deal — they traded very much on their reputation for knowing all the right people and being able to approach them at any time .
12 There had been no other English children in Abyssinia , none in Somaliland , none at Aden , and in Delhi I can only remember meeting girls .
13 Suppose there had been no other likely defaulters in Anangel .
14 Land is important in Cramlington but there has been no recent radical change in its ownership or development pattern .
15 It is not that they are not capable of competing ; it is simply that there have been no great black performers in these areas in history ( due to lack of opportunities and facilities ) and no tradition exists .
16 In the past ten years there has been no major new investment in Kenya , a country previously regarded as an oasis of economic success in east Africa .
17 Since that date there has been no demonstrable genetic progress in the British Friesian , maintains Prof King , whereas a lot of progress has been made in Norway .
18 Indeed , it is the only occasion on which there has been a substantial national strike in support of any industrial group of workers in Britain .
19 In the early 1870s a six-week round trip for two people from London via Belgium , the Rhine Valley , Switzerland and France — perhaps still the standard tourist itinerary — cost about £85 , or roughly 20 per cent of the income of a man earning £8 a week , which would have been a respectable servant-keeping income in those days .
20 This would not matter so much if Pound had not been a great technical innovator in verse writing .
21 It has been suggested that the Bredcroft site might have been a small sub-Roman settlement in the period between the decline of Great Casterton and the growth of Stamford .
22 It is true that there has been a small electoral earthquake in Europe , but not many people have been hurt , and those that were thoroughly deserved it .
23 Although no official statistics are ever provided , there has been a general downward trend in sales from the peak in 1989 to 1991 when potential buyers were uneasy about the economy and the Gulf War .
24 It had been a warm autumnal day in early October and she , Alex and her father were working in the garden .
25 There had been a gradual slow decline in his fortunes , his fate , his happiness and his prosperity , or prospect of prosperity .
26 He had also been a talented professional wrestler in his youth ( i.e. a good actor ) and still gave the impression that he could look after himself if pushed around .
27 Katib Celebi 's assertion that Abdulkerim was Mufti in Edirne , however , adds yet another unknown to an already difficult set of equations since it suggests the possibility that there may have been a separate official muftilik in Edirne ( and perhaps by extension in Bursa ) concurrently with the Muftilik of Istanbul — this would run contrary to the underlying assumption of the traditional view that the Mufti was the Mufti of the capital , successively Bursa , Edirne and Istanbul some of the holders of which may have become , with the passage of time , confused with the holders of the Muftilik of Istanbul .
28 Milton has suggested then that the extreme diversity of plant foods in tropical forests and the way in which they are distributed there in space and time has been a major selective force in the development of advanced cerebral complexity in certain higher primates .
29 But in no Western country so far , other than in the years following the end of a war , has there been a major permanent reduction in the role of the state .
30 In other words , there has been a large proportional increase in recorded crime in all parts of the country , as Table 4.1 illustrates .
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