Example sentences of "have [vb pp] that [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Ever since I took over the tips section in the hallowed pages of ZZAP ! 64 , folks have whinged that most of the pokes are for Reset and Action Replay carts .
2 Second , they have stressed that many of the innovations in peasant agriculture before 1905 were undertaken in areas where the commune prevailed .
3 Doctors in Bosnia have said that many of the children injured during the violence in Sarajevo will die unless they are evacuated and treated quickly .
4 I have argued that most of the values and beliefs that will influence a person 's goal priorities are established in childhood .
5 But investigations by The Northern Echo and the Durham Co-operative Development Association ( DCDA ) have revealed that some of the places earmarked for men from Plawsworth hostel in County Durham are already spoken for .
6 On the other hand , studies of children 's spontaneous production have revealed that most of the causal sentences which children produce refer to intentions ( Hood , 1977 ; McCabe and Peterson , 1985 ) .
7 Recently , the recovery of more texts and the reassessment of those long known have shown that many of the accepted similarities are in fact illusory .
8 They have noted that many of the men who built and ran the Fifth Republic cut their teeth in the RPF .
9 Moreover , Earth-based photometric studies have indicated that most of the lunar near side must be blanketed in such dust .
10 Some critics of the operation have remarked that many of the evacuues , though wounded , were not in a critical condition .
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