Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [verb] [prep] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We hope you have enjoyed browsing through this brochure , and that it 's provided you with a little inspiration .
2 I am grateful to my hon. Friend for that exceedingly full and comprehensive reply — the type of reply that we have come to expect from this Minister .
3 I have sought to demonstrate in this book that an attempt to alter the shape of Europe by compromising with the ‘ Maastricht philosophy ’ must necessarily end , by faster means or by slower , with the political centralisation of the Community .
4 As you have decided to appeal against this decision by making a ‘ reference ’ to an Appeal Committee which will look at your case independently , the purpose of this leaflet is to tell you how to make your reference , the things you will have to do , and the people you should expect to come across .
5 I want to end by saying that we need now to f go over this hurdle of liberation make sure that the vast majority of black South Africans who are deeply angry and I saw this anger because I was in South Africa when Chris was assassinated and this anger was turning into rage and the country was on a knife edge it could have blown up , the country would have burned had it not been for the diplomatic achievement of , of enormous stature by Nelson Mandela when he addressed the whole nation and in a sense seized power informally from white and black and the country managed to survive that but if that anger turns into rage again then the country could burn and I do n't say this to be dramatic but just to warn that in those moments when the media and so on do n't explain the situation well do n't forget our people because they have had to cope with this situation .
6 ‘ I view with very much concern the comments I have had to make in this inquest . ’
7 I believe that we have got to go for this strategy if we are continue to fight the freedoms which are the root of our yachting .
8 That almost all , if not all religions have become sullied with this kind of behaviour is something that must be branded as totally unacceptable .
9 My thanks are due to all those , including volunteers , who have become engaged in this initiative .
10 I have attempted to guard against this temptation by qualifying the foregoing arguments , and pointing ahead to the later chapters in which the particular social forces ( as opposed to economic classes ) active in British society will receive a fuller treatment .
11 What I have attempted to argue in this chapter is that to consider our own experience against an international background reminds us of three linked points :
12 Some Eastern European countries — the USSR , for example — have attempted to deal with this problem by directing professional staff to work in certain areas for a limited number of years , as well as providing them with incentives in terms of higher salaries , pension rights , housing , etc .
13 Various initiatives have emerged to capitalise on this system
14 All of those things have led to lead to this kind of delay .
15 But the medals have continued to arrive in this country and among the latest batch of heroes to receive one is Darlington man George Stevens .
16 The second theme I have tried to illustrate throughout this chapter is the distinction between good coping strategies and bad coping strategies .
17 We have tried to emphasise in this report the inevitable tentative nature of conclusions to be drawn from the data presented .
18 What I have tried to do in this book is to tell how he did it .
19 What I have tried to do in this chapter is to suggest a way of looking at towns as though they were a special kind of landscape — as indeed they are — to get behind the guide-books and the individual buildings to the secret history of these places : to draw attention to what I think are some of the significant bits of urban landscape that point the way into this secret history .
20 I have tried to show in this discussion that higher learning is not learning at all in any familiar sense .
21 I have tried to show in this book that though the academic institutionalizing of vernacular literary study which began about a century ago had good , even inescapable reasons in its origins , its later progress has not had the effects the founders hoped for .
22 What I have tried to show in this section is that before we can fully understand the particular historical genres which appear under the labels of programme categories , and , even more importantly , before we can understand the forms of subjectivity which they imply , we need to place them in their historical and institutional relationship to the theoretical genre of novelistic narrative .
23 We have tried to avoid in this chapter the sort of generalised waffle about God in which many theologians indulge .
24 It is wholly consistent with the principles which I have endeavoured to state in this speech . ’
25 Underlying the debate , a number of ancient fallacies have begun to re-emerge in this country and elsewhere .
26 Having experienced this love of God , we confess it and examine ourselves to see how we have failed to respond to this call to love others as ourselves .
27 Such high levels of childlessness do not fit the consistent response to questions in the General Household Survey that only about 5–7 per cent of women intend to remain childless ; but up to 20 per cent of women have failed to reply to this question , although fewer in more recent surveys .
28 Although there are many complex factors in anorexia , I have chosen to concentrate on this sense of self-hatred and dissatisfaction with her body and image ; on those areas which are directly about the question : ‘ How do I look ? ’
29 Flower beetles , however , have managed to deal with this problem .
30 If ‘ home ’ means , though , the defence of self and close kin for what Rainwater calls the ‘ lower class ’ , it means something quite different for those who have managed to escape from this class and who have achieved a degree of economic and emotional stability .
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