Example sentences of "have [adv] been [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The original 260,000 employees have since been whittled down to 50,000 and Sir Monty is a little resentful that he is probably most remembered for setting that radical rundown in motion .
2 Many of these have since been taken on by the wider society and are to be found in all its corners influencing even those who would now deny them any real significance and tend to look back on the decade as only times of silliness and self-indulgence .
3 Policing issues are never long out of the headlines ( Chibnall 1977 ) , and this media obsession has been transmitted into a wealth of analyses of policing — which have mostly been carried out by outside observers .
4 Certain aspects of environmental monitoring have long been carried out by the private sector , notably that of crop states on a world-wide basis .
5 Graeme Fowler , Gehan Mendis and the skipper Neil Fairbrother have all been ruled out with injuries , but there has been a plus side with the way young lads like Nick Speak , Graham Lloyd , Steve Titchard and Peter Martin have responded .
6 I have already mentioned that November and March are the two periods relevant and it is advisable to give the earliest convenient general alert to a parliamentary agent of the necessity for an order and not to wait until the details have all been thrashed out before contacting him .
7 Colic , eczema , asthma , persistent runny nose , glue ear , headaches , migraine and even behavioural problems , have all been traced back to certain foods or food additives .
8 Meditation , yoga , and psychotherapy have all been taken up by Westerners as ways of helping themselves cope , and give meaning to their lives .
9 Lighting , heating , ventilation have all been carried out on the most approved modern principles .
10 None of them have been published , and they have all been put up to Ministers .
11 " Gemma dear , he has a right to be considered and I believe he is a fresh-air man — the Gages and the Bartram-Hyndes have all been brought up to that .
12 We have all been brought up in awe of Sir Robert Walpole , regarding that continuous spell of his in office from 1714 to 1741 as a model of the politician 's craft but aware of the paradox that public opinion at last broke through the barriers of a corrupted and corruptible and minuscule electorate to overthrow him .
13 Ghosts , fairies , dragons , giants , the devil and visitors from space have all been brought in at one time or another .
14 But these problems have apparently been ironed out in the current batch of models .
15 But the process has also been a more subtle one , as new initiatives have apparently been tacked on to existing local government .
16 They might be astonished to find , soon after , that those very same cartons and bottles and tins have perhaps been thrown out in people 's , in people 's .
17 While individual players have rightly been singled out for special mention , the very considerable success of Canada 's World Cup campaign was based on a concerted team effort .
18 It was agreed on all sides that the present home of the family is not appropriate for the plaintiff , despite the extensive works which have necessarily been carried out to it .
19 Staff and patients have finally been moved out of a unique hospital ward .
20 Most who would fail on this count have already been weeded out in preliminary interviews with the party vice-chairman and local area officials , but it can still stop a potential career in its tracks .
21 Many brochures have already been sent out in response to requests from advertising .
22 The six themes are at unequal stages of development in that some have already been broken down into specific research projects whereas others are at a more exploratory stage .
23 Piper explained : ‘ I have already been written off by a lot of people and a lot of critics and I can understand Benn being favourite .
24 Administrative assets " primarily used for the purposes of the former Ministry of State Security/National Security Office " would " accrue to the Trust Agency unless they have already been given over to new social or public purposes since the above mentioned date " .
25 The country 's elite have already been sounded out by Taylor to scrap appearance money , as well as the win and draw bonuses that have existed since Don Revie 's era .
26 The most severe tests have already been carried out on a man and a woman , unconnected with the project , last week .
27 Tests have already been carried out on mice in Cambridge .
28 In this case the user only needs to specify the bucket size required from the alternatives provided , as the formatting and addressing have already been carried out by the manufacturer .
29 Conversations with pupils about ‘ handicap ’ have already been carried out in a pilot study .
30 Since p1 and qi have already been paired off in the appropriate manner ( i.e. they are equal ! ) we find that unc is not a nasty integer after all .
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