Example sentences of "'s a [noun] [prep] people [pron] " in BNC.

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1 At just £9.95 , it 's a must for people who are furnishing or renovating , or who simply like buying things for their home .
2 There 's a couple of people who have n't got the essay titles from from last Friday , erm , have you got your copy of it handy , and that they could
3 Right Said Fred tread a fine line between sex and seaside postcard humour ; they are the late Benny Hill with a personal fitness instructor , somewhere between gay disco and Club 18–30. and ‘ I 'm Too sexy ’ is a great record , not least because it 's a piss-take of people who fancy themselves sung by people who fancy themselves .
4 They get advice from the officers of the Local Education Authority , so there 's a number of people who are running things , if you like to put it that way , and they have to have good relationships erm and I must say that erm I have n't seen anything obstructive , particularly on our Board of Governors , from local Councillors and we 've had nothing but help from Local Education Authority officers , and I 'm glad we 're not going to lose that help .
5 See now , there 's a lot of people who will speak to you friendly out on the street and there 's a lot more of them who 'll speak to you inside their own homes .
6 I did n't think he 'd do that , because we 'd had problems before , because of the black and white thing , There 's a lot of people who will just stop you in the street .
7 Although although there 's a lot of people who feel they 're all living in the lap of luxury if you 're Post Office or B T pensioners , they are n't and we have n't been able to get this surplus er in any way used for the benefit of those people and er and that 's where the ownership of the fund really and the surplus are tied in together .
8 But you see there 's a lot of people who
9 There 's a lot of people who er do n't , who would not have gone to the bother of going into the shop and buying a one pound or two pound or four pound
10 I 've always been skiing with my parents , so I 've been to America to visit friends , and that 's not been like sightseeing , or something , and I just have n't been anywhere , and erm , I mean , I suppose I 've been to a lot more countries than a lot of people who 've , you know , there 's a lot of people who have n't
11 There 's a lot of people who are very concerned about this .
12 Mm , there 's a lot of people who 've erm , I mean a lot of s all the T V companies are putting programmes on for next week
13 There 's a team of people who are specially keeping abreast of the technology and they are by Paul who heads the erm network operations .
14 I mean it 's a team of people who get along and it 's very , very hard to do .
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