Example sentences of "'s a [noun sg] i [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ( That 's a voice I do n't know .
2 There 's , there 's another thing I , another thing I 'd like to mention which Chris has n't mentioned this afternoon is , that is that a lot of the pamphlets that you are handed out here , generate from 's office , copying and things like that , all very helpful , which would cost us a bomb outside , and we get them free , so you know , they , they do help the pensioner a great deal that 's why I said when she came in that 's a lady I admire very much and respect , cos she 's very good to pensioners .
3 There 's a few thirties and there 's a couple I think probably in their forties but when it comes to the high impact they do n't do it they just step it out you know .
4 I said oh , it 's a pity I have n't then .
5 Oh the pictures , it 's a pity I have n't got some .
6 Erm and it 's quite , you know and it 's a subject I 've never done before
7 ‘ You 're very welcome to bring your friends home to tea — if it 's a day I do n't work . ’
8 That 's a division I 'd never even heard of before .
9 It 's a wonder I did n't kill Benjamin but , when I opened my eyes , two of the rogues were dead of huge gashes between shoulder and neck whilst Benjamin was on the point of driving his sword straight through the breast of a third .
10 It 's a bit I do n't know
11 Now there 's a name I 've always liked .
12 No , there 's something about that one at what 's a name I did n't like .
13 Oh it 's a job I do n't know ! weekend a day or two ago he did look a bit better tonight .
14 Well I , I 'd never thought of taking anything like that until she said , cos I , well you never pay , it 's all new to me , I have n't done it before and she said oh no she said we take these small tins of stuff with us and er make our sandwiches , cos there 's a supermarket I believe not far from there
15 There 's a lot I do n't understand — like , how come Jenner picked such a remote and inaccessible spot for his labs ? ’
16 ‘ There 's a lot I do n't know , is n't there , Isabel . ’
17 The power to choose , the power to choose , well if the power to choose in politics is about the Labour Party choosing their own candidate for the by-election and then the National Party replacing that candidate , well that 's a Party I do n't want to be a party to and that 's nothing that we would ever stoop
18 Well he still looks young , I mean despite the fact that he 's a grandfather I think twice over
19 ‘ Right , it 's an amp I got in late 1954 .
20 It 's an organisation I have always recognised provides a facility to commerce and industry which I think is highly desirable — that is a facility to take a long-term view .
21 Henry Tyler thought for a moment , ‘ That 's an acronym I have n't come across . ’
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