Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] in this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The formation of a strategy for confronting the current crisis of accumulation in the world capitalist system will depend on the factors that have been examined in this chapter : the balance of social forces , class strategies and forms of political representation ; the broad historical character of the state ; and its internal composition , organizational interests , and dynamic .
2 M. Dupont went on : ‘ Many things of interest have been said in this house over the past days .
3 Eleven background papers and four major issues papers have been prepared in this way .
4 Once intervention rates have been altered in this fashion , a change in rates will occur across all sterling money markets .
5 I have always thought that we entered the ERM at a rate of exchange that was much too high , and I have been reinforced in this view by Britain 's poor showing in international trade during the past 18 months .
6 It starts at the bottom line and scans across to ‘ see ’ what colours have been placed in this row of squares .
7 Then at last he said : ‘ Gentlemen — and ladies , pardon me — I have given much thought to these matters and I wish to say here in confidence to you , that while there remains between myself and many of those present differences of interpretation as to what is really occurring in Europe at this moment , despite this , as to the main points that have been raised in this house , I am convinced , gentlemen , convinced both of their justice and their practicality . ’
8 Many issues have been raised in this debate .
9 Where towns have been joined in this way the whole built-up area is called a conurbation .
10 In view of developments it might be argued that they have been justified in this view .
11 Details of the crime , and even the suspect 's picture , have been featured in this newspaper but all efforts to persuade the police to tell us his name have come to nought .
12 Yet if they have been done in this way it means they have not been done !
13 The matters that have been highlighted in this report are as relevant now as those which necessitated the formings of the nineteen seventy eight and nineteen ninety congress resolutions .
14 Taking these and studies commissioned by donors in countries where they are the predominant donor into account , it appears that only about ten African aid recipients have been studied in this way .
15 Since job opportunities in industry have been limited in this way , how do the millions who are coming to the city earn a living ?
16 If you are new to Homoeopathy and do not intend to follow case taking and evaluation guidelines , such as have been given in this chapter , then a set of 6x remedies will serve you best .
17 While by no means all cases have been decided in this way , the doctrine is nevertheless well established particularly in the United States .
18 This reflects the so-called doctrine of double effect which was incorporated into English law in one of the few cases that have been decided in this area , R v.
19 These points have been emphasised in this chapter because the implementation of many contemporary policy initiatives — privatization , the limitation of social expenditure , the extension of community care — involve changing the balance between the various ingredients in the ‘ political economy of welfare ’ .
20 This can represent a route to technology evaluation at low risk to the user and there are many examples of useful ventures which have been developed in this way .
21 Great advances have been made in this technique because of the interest in skin grafting , and ibroblasts do not transform to cancer cells easily in culture .
22 We may conclude , however , with a list of points which have been made in this chapter , and which form the basis of the use of the term " style " in this book .
23 let's proceed and perhaps erm at a convenient moment we could take instructions as to er what resolutions if any have been made in this regard .
24 New laws have been created in this country to regulate industrial dissent and the rights of workers to organise .
25 This helps to explain why more jobs have been lost in this recession than in the early 1980s .
26 In other words , although they suppress the aberrant antibody , they suppress other antibody production too and also the production of blood cells , yet they seem to have a greater effect on the abnormal antibody than they do on normal ones and in quite large numbers of patients that have been treated in this way the side effects are really relatively slight .
27 Only a few authorities have been treated in this fashion and they are the councils which have substantially exceeded government targets for local expenditure .
28 These include the Entity-Relationship ( E-R ) Model [ 20 ] and Taxis [ 21 ] , both of which have been employed in this work .
29 Some of the most controversial planning agreements have been struck in this way .
30 The motives described by these authors are little more than romantic inventions , but the fact that the dying cat 's actions have been recorded in this way by very different writers is of some interest .
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