Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] as [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 erm I think really what erm what should happen is that erm you , with your manager , ought to look at the the erm to establish and agreed job description and in addition to the notes that are are are there erm I have some sample job descriptions from other parts of the Press which have been completed as a framework job and erm we can discuss that in any kind of detail you want .
2 As far back as the eighteenth century , and probably before , trial reports about cases of sexual crimes , adultery and non-traditional sexual practices have been constructed as a genre of pornography .
3 Several of the dubious cases of jurists such as Ulpian have been explained as the product of compilatorial abbreviation .
4 Bornstein ( 1979 ) provides an extended analysis of the different systems which have been devised as a result of the same pressures described above for Signed Swedish .
5 Our Booking Conditions have been formulated as a result of our responsibilities under law and in no way affect your statutory rights as a consumer .
6 Our costs to date which have been increased as a result of the German problems are some [ ] ( net of our fees on account of [ ] ) .
7 Unfortunately I have been diagnosed as a sufferer of ‘ loyalistus onehundredpercentus . ’
8 WOMEN have been neglected as a source of scientific talent , despite concern over the shortages of school leavers , the Science Policy Support Group claim today .
9 Thirty years of development theory and experience are reviewed , with the conclusion that people have been neglected as the objective of development .
10 Opera singers have been studied as a rule either by musicologists interested in particular composers or by biographers interested in anecdotes .
11 This document provides a brief account of just a few of the important discoveries and medical advances which have been achieved as a result of such work , discoveries and advances which have benefited animals as well as people .
12 The house is now a hotel , catering for local weddings and business receptions ; and the school sports facilities , including the covered pool , have been integrated as an attraction for people wanting an active weekend .
13 PHIL WOOSNAM and Richard Cross have been appointed as the management team of Cymru Alliance side Rhayader for next season .
14 The two men killed by undercover troops in Northern Ireland today , have been named as a top I R A hit man and a former Sinn Fein councillor .
15 Stefan Edberg and Monica Seles have been named as the Official 1991 world champions by an ITF three man panel comprising Frank Sedgeman , Fred Perry and Tony Trabert .
16 In particular they have been seen as a system of colonization , and as institutions designed to ensure the military dominance of Israel over the indigenous Palestinian population .
17 Black holes have been seen as a nemesis .
18 Classically these crimes have been seen as a result of a few mentally deranged men .
19 Since I answered a similar question on 14 November , seven people have been killed as a result of the security situation , of whom six were civilians and one was a member of the Ulster Defence Regiment .
20 Confessions which have been obtained as a result of oppressive questioning can not be used as evidence in criminal proceedings ( s.76 ) .
21 Many local people believe that development will profit them , and those concerned about the environment have been threatened as a result .
22 In rural areas of both growth and decline , selected or key settlement policies have been adopted as the planning ‘ solution ’ to a number of social and economic problems ( Cloke 1979 ) .
23 This will still be true even if you have been trained as an anthropologist .
24 As well as asking why you have been selected as a redundancy candidate and , if appropriate , arguing that a fair procedure would result in the selection of one of your colleagues instead , you may find it fruitful to explore the other ways in which the company can achieve the desired savings without putting your job at risk .
25 The report 's conclusions are particularly embarrassing to the government as the Broads have been regarded as a test for its conservation commitment .
26 But generally these researches have been regarded as a branch of historical studies , suitably only for professed historians .
27 Psychiatric rehabilitation services have attended to the needs of people who are unmotivated and resistant to help , and various models of psychosocial rehabilitation have been developed as a consequence .
28 These petroleum exploration ‘ parameters ’ have been developed as a result of the exploration activities of the late 1960s .
29 There are also standard shapes for tensile test specimens , laid down by the standards bodies ( BSI , ASTM , DIN ) in various countries , which have been developed as a result of stress analysis .
30 Minor buffering phases such as phlogopite and carbonates , which may play a role in low-degree partial melting of the mantle , have been invoked as an explanation for high U/Pb in areas of old continental lithosphere , but there is no obvious phase that will buffer K and Pb to produce the effect observed in Fig. 3 b , without also affecting Ba or Ti ; Ba/Ce ratios of central Atlantic OIB are in fact relatively uniform .
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