Example sentences of "have been [adv] [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You have been here a week , Holly , I have been here one hundred times longer .
2 Over the last 12 years , there have been just 28 previous insider dealing trials .
3 Since Beaumont 's days , there have been just ten head gardeners down the generations .
4 The Basques , who took so inordinately long to be christianized in the early Middle Ages , have been conspicuously devout Roman Catholics ever since .
5 There have been so many narrow escapes that it 's very difficult to say which one was the closest .
6 It is difficult , and possibly unwise , for one person to attempt omnicompetence in an area of the Church 's life in which there have been so many recent changes in rapid succession .
7 So if I trail the classes in this way it 's not gon na do any harm I do n't think because the class presentations and the class discussions in general have been so excellent this year .
8 Whilst there are no ‘ free wins ’ to be had in the Premier League ( with the possible exception of Swindon ) the teams we 've beaten have generally been struggling ( exclude Wimbledon from that — but we always seem to thrash them at home ) and those we 've drawn against have been relatively good footballing sides hence the need to comeback after going behind .
9 The species rarely nests in extensive grass marshes , where , during much systematic study of other species , there have been only four recent summer records .
10 Therefore , spreads are of little importance for index futures , and this may explain why there have been only three empirical studies of the pricing of spreads in index futures .
11 Initially , the area improved under township schemes in Lewis and Harris greatly exceeded that improved individually , but in the last few years there have been hardly any new township schemes .
12 ‘ Since World War II in Poland there have been about 15 000 translations of publications by Western authors … about 16 000 Western-produced movies have been shown and over 3 300 productions of plays by Western authors have been staged ’ .
13 ‘ If the last 50,000 years of man 's existence were divided into lifetimes of approximately sixty-two years each , there have been about 800 such lifetimes .
14 Ladies often come to my classes and explain that they have been very good all week and yet had a binge just prior to the class !
15 Yesterday , Ray Sunman , projects and administration manager for Darlington Borough Council , said : ‘ We have been very fortunate this year .
16 So far there have been very few legal challenges to disciplinary action falling short of exclusion , apart from those concerning the use of corporal punishment which is now banned in the state sector .
17 The use of the leap-frog appeal has been surrounded by considerable caution and the very stringent conditions to be met before such an appeal can be taken has meant that there have been very few such appeals .
18 In my own case , he wrote , and I can speak only for myself , in my own case and in my own life there have been very few genuine beginnings , only three or perhaps four .
19 There have been very few direct attempts to assess the significance of corporatism for the administrative branch of the state .
20 The British Cabinet has been the focal point of much general argument among students of politics , but there have been very few detailed case-studies produced which show how individual decisions were made at that level .
21 ‘ We have been very busy this week and hopefully the attendance will get close to Windsor 's 10,500 capacity , ’ said William Campbell of the IFA .
22 The Aussie boss insisted : ‘ You have one of the best sides in the world in Wigan and we have been very competitive this year — it 's not right . ’
23 First , customs have been extremely successful this year with record seizures of Ecstasy .
24 Since the mid-1970's , English local authorities have been under increasing financial pressure .
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