Example sentences of "have been [adj] [noun] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Exmoor offers unrivalled opportunities to unwind — its dramatic scenery , quiet village centres and small towns have been welcoming visitors for centuries .
2 One further point : the actuarial profession is firmly egalitarian and for many years there have been equal opportunities for women .
3 GLASTONBURY is dominated by the dramatic and mysterious Glastonbury Tor , which towers above the flat landscape of the Somerset Levels , where peat digging and withy growing for basketmaking have been traditional occupations for generations .
4 there have been other reasons for delays er up until about a year ago .
5 The crisis has been created by the Government and it provides the context in which there have been tremendous implications for training .
6 Development by government departments does not require planning permission , but there have been special arrangements for consultations since 1950 .
7 This might on the one hand have been positive pressure for improvement ; it could equally have been a move to prevent closure .
8 There have been urgent calls for action to end all production of ozone-depleters such as CFCs well ahead of the 2000 deadline set by the Montreal Protocol [ see EDs passim ] .
9 Horses have been favourite subjects for artists from time immemorial-how lovingly is the horse depicted in Rembrandt 's The Polish Rider-but the artist who paid equal attention to dancers and horses was Degas ; he understood the special elegance of the way in which they both moved .
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