Example sentences of "have been [verb] to be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 SHOPPERS have been warned to be extremely careful about buying cheap goods after dangerous chemicals were found in packets of household washing powder .
2 Such focal points have been aligned to be both clearly seen from the house and as elements of surprise when walking through the garden , an essential element of any good design .
3 First , the magnetic storage formats which are fundamental to computing have been demonstrated to be inherently unstable .
4 The way the work-force has been treated over the last few years , the uncertainty that 's been created and the lack of consultation , the impact on their lives of such a closure on people who have been expecting to be there until they retire — their jobs may well go , and the impact on that , both for their own lives as well as their families .
5 Many have accused schools of trying to prop up ailing churches and fill empty pews , and Christian teachers in particular have been assumed to be heavily biased , teaching for commitment to their particular brand of religion and intolerant towards other religions and other world views .
6 In the last few decades , however , the simple atoms of the early atomic theories have been discovered to be much more complex than was originally thought , and physicists are continually finding more and more sub-atomic particles .
7 FORECASTS from the Treasury have been proved to be hopelessly wrong which is one reason why the economy now seems to be in Freefall , leading to the closure of hundreds of Factories .
8 Again he is taking over precisely the ‘ modern ’ definitions and oppositions , between the normal and pathological , the natural and unnatural , etc. , which have been shown to be both confused and ideological in the narrow sense .
9 The Government 's intention was that these funds would be a way of helping with one-off exceptional circumstances affecting only a small minority of students , but the reality is that once again they have been shown to be completely wrong .
10 However , head size , birth weight , and intelligence have been shown to be inversely and linearly associated with maternal phenylalanine concentrations , again without any obvious threshold in effect .
11 The remedies of the homoeopathic materia medica have not , as has happened to their orthodox counterparts , had to be abandoned , as one after another they have lost their efficacy or have been shown to be too toxic to be used safely .
12 Pollution levels in the city centre have been shown to be dangerously high , and these can only be reduced by encouraging a switch to more environment-friendly modes of transport .
13 The theoretical tools that we developed in the preceding Lecture have been shown to be extremely versatile ; they enabled us to analyse easily the incidence of taxation in a variety of economies exhibiting different kinds of imperfections .
14 the recommendations have been shown to be readily accepted both by line and functional management ;
15 While this may be a reasonable stance for finance academics to adopt , even though the problems in analysing cash flows and given probabilities have been shown to be far from trivial , the practising manager has to recognize the limited scope of the ‘ investment problem ’ addressed by the current theory of finance .
16 The trick will be to distil these desirable attributes from the new arrangements and to discard the harmful elements ; once they have been shown to be so .
17 Pairs of sentences that have a coherent semantic relation have been shown to be more rapidly processed than pairs in which the relation is less distinct [ Just & carpenter , 1978 ] .
18 Some of these agents have been shown to be more effective than aspirin and/or heparin for the prevention of arterial thrombosis , for the acceleration of arterial recanalisation , and for the prevention of early and delayed reocclusion after reflow .
19 Whilst such systems are powerful tools for marketing analysis and direct marketing campaigns ( indeed , such profile codings have been shown to be highly predictive when incorporated into credit scorecards ) , the credit marketer should never lose sight of the fact that these are likely profiles and there will inevitably be a small proportion of targeted customers whose actual profiles display a disparity from the system profile .
20 But in Europe , other approaches to traffic control have been shown to be highly successful .
21 The festivals have been shown to be relatively successful by some indicators .
22 In humans , gangliosides have been shown to be potentially effective in various central and peripheral nervous system disorders .
23 He said he was not satisfied that the fire had been started deliberately , let alone who might have started it and that the scientific evidence was ‘ underlined by a number of assumptions which have been shown to be totally false ’ .
24 Speculation and dire warnings that the political map of the province would change dramatically after the elections have been shown to be totally unfounded .
25 Now two things have happened — one is that better , safer pills have been introduced , but secondly a lot of the scares which there were of five or ten years ago , have been shown to be quite unjustified , so we now know that using the more modern of the oral contraceptives erm there 's really very little risk indeed .
26 However , n-gram techniques have been shown to be less effective for the present project than word-lookup methods , as they fail to exploit letter-level constraints to the same extent [ Wells , 1989 ] .
27 Moreover , using near-infrared imaging spectroscopy , the central star cluster was found to contain about a dozen HeI emission-line stars within 12 ( 0.5pc ) of Sgr A. These stars have been suggested to be either blue supergiants or Wolf-Rayet-like stars with heavy mass loss ( 10 -5 –10 -4 M and ; yr -1 ) , and outflow velocities 1,000kms -1 ; their presence has been taken as evidence for recent star formation .
28 Subsequently , they have been reported to be as effective as corticosteroids in treating patients with active Crohn 's disease , and one controlled , but non-randomised trial suggested that elemental diet was actually superior to corticosteroid treatment .
29 These powers have been found to be completely inadequate to deal with the challenges and problems presented in complex urban situations ’ ( quoted in Alexander 1982b:64 ) .
30 The oligosaccharides have been found to be particularly concentrated in colostrum — the thick , creamy pre-milk that is produced by the breasts in late pregnancy and during the first few days after birth before the breastmilk proper comes in .
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