Example sentences of "have been [verb] [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Guilcher ( 1958 ) quotes salinities of 27 40 parts per thousand as being required for corals , but they have been observed flourishing in the Persian Gulf with salinity as high as 48 per thousand .
2 A change of greenbelt status , and changes to a proposed greenbelt boundary variously affecting the combined area known for the purposes of this enquiry as D thirty nine and D forty , north of Skelton Village , have been proposed in the deposit copies , and in the desire to change proposed by the county and local planning authorities , and sundry valid representations have been lodged relating to the exclusion of all or parts of the area of the greenbelt .
3 In a separate case , those students have been given standing in the Montgomery County Orphans Court for their petition to deny the foundation permission to change the terms of Dr Barnes 's will without reasonable grounds .
4 This is shown most dramatically by the results of studies in which , using exactly the same stimulus material , opposite field advantages have been obtained according to the task requirements ( Klatzky , 1972 ; Seamon and Gazzaniga , 1973 ; Robertshaw and Sheldon , 1976 ; Niederbuhl and Springer , 1979 ) .
5 The facilities management operator will confirm that jobs have been run according to the schedule in the Weekly Service Report .
6 House Martins have been recorded nesting on the cliffs occasionally .
7 Furthermore , serial results in individual patients at successive time points have been evaluated according to the criteria proposed by Presant et al for assessing palliative response by quality of life ( box ) .
8 These values have been calculated according to the rules prescribed by Lautro .
9 The surrender values set out in these tables have been calculated according to the rules prescribed by Lautro .
10 The surrender values set out in these tables have been calculated according to the rules prescribed by Lautro , ( the regulatory authority for the marketing of life assurance and unit trusts ) .
11 Manager McGrath has watched as both Cavan and Fermanagh have been caught napping in the championship so far and does not want a similar fate to befall his side .
12 Intervalence compounds have been classified according to the ease of electron transfer between the distinct sites .
13 In this study , cases have been classified according to the system proposed by Isaacson et al in an attempt to evaluate its reliability in separating different types of gastric lymphoma .
14 Baboons have been found living in the wild in Spain 's Cadiz province .
15 Counteracting my cancer cells has been an evolutionary process in which a whole series of different ‘ attacks ’ have been launched depending upon the information I have on myself , how and what I feel .
16 You will see that there are two parts to it — one in which the items have been sorted according to the geographical location ( ie by county name , alphabetically ) ; the other by service category .
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