Example sentences of "have a [adv] long [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But before they emerge as adults they have a rather longer incarnation as larvae walking about the river bottom .
2 Another way of stating this point would be to say that the revival and growth of social movements in those societies which are both economically advanced and have a fairly long tradition of democracy , is a major aspect of that ‘ self-production ’ of society referred to earlier , which exists in some degree already , but is still more an ideal representation of a future form of society , ‘ free of domination ’ , in which the collectivity would really govern itself , by procedures of rational discussion among equal citizens .
3 Earth science papers have a very long period of use , compared to physics or engineering , but there is variation between sub-disciplines .
4 It 's definitely a possession of other people , I have a very long list of things I want to do . ’
5 Such horses often have a very long coat of hair , a ‘ malnutrition coat ’ , which the horse grows against cold , as it does not have the normal layer of fat under its skin to protect it .
6 ‘ The galaxy is also one of a group of galaxies , ’ Ace added , ‘ who have an even longer year of their own .
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