Example sentences of "have be [adv] [vb pp] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All Citalia hotels in Florence have been carefully selected for quality and value and are all within a 15–20 minute walk of the city 's famous cathedral and the Ponte Vecchio .
2 The Tests themselves have been carefully scrutinized for balance and consistency to ensure they are reliable time and time again .
3 Many public houses have been grossly neglected for years by their owners , yet the owners now demand that the tenants pay all the cost of putting the public houses into good order .
4 Few species have adapted so closely to their particular rivers as caddisflies , stoneflies , and mayflies , which , in their turn , have been cunningly imitated for bait by generations of fishermen .
5 Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are a relatively new class of antidepressants that have been heavily promoted for use as first line treatment in depression .
6 Some of those who have been successfully treated for candidiasis will still have residual problems due to food intolerance .
7 The relatively cumbersome medium of microfilm has never presented the sort of opportunities now presented by digitisation , for bringing together collections of complementary material which have been physically separated for decades or even centuries .
8 Such intrastrand crosslinks have been well documented for cisplatin ( 1 ) .
9 Nigeria 's rainforests have been so exploited for logs that the country now imports more hardwood than it exports .
10 Fabric display units have been specifically designed for point of sale and , since the launch of the initiative in January , are being steadily introduced to around five hundred retailers nationwide .
11 Glittering in the desert sun , some of the lakes have been specially reserved for tourist enjoyment , combining warm waters for bathing and , naturally , no shortage of golden sands .
12 In addition to this ‘ before-and-after intervention ’ approach , there are other experimental designs which have been specially developed for teachers and therapists working in therapeutic settings .
13 Our network of 250 hostels includes a number which have been specially equipped for wheelchair access , and most are suitable for people with other special needs .
14 Six of the properties have been specially designed for people with disabilities .
15 When you are planning musical additions to your soundtracks , remember that the law of copyright protects all commercial music recordings except those which have been specially produced for use as background music .
16 In the course of the last five thousand years a wide variety of stones other than jade have been highly esteemed for jewellery , insignia , seals and the embellishment of personal weapons .
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