Example sentences of "have be [verb] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All four Darlington candidates have been invited to a political debate on the Tyne Tees TV 's Point of Order .
2 COMMUNITY leaders from both sides of the border have been invited to an ecumenical church service at Creggan in south Armagh today .
3 Parents have been invited to an open day at the Royal Opera House which includes a back-stage tour , as well as dance and make-up sessions .
4 About 30 John Smith landlords have been invited to the Grand Met event at the Bay Horse , Hurworth .
5 These two aspects of mental function have been related to the left and right sides ( or hemispheres ) of the brain , with the left hemisphere in most people being associated with the logical , rational , deductive , analytical abilities and the right hemisphere being associated with the intuitive , perceptive , imaginative powers .
6 As both hon. Members will have in mind , European Community monitors are now in place who have been exposed to a high degree of personal risk .
7 Those who have been exposed to the confirmatory techniques of linear regression may recognize the analogous measures .
8 The League have been alerted to the current problems by disgruntled players at Underhill and spokesman Ian Cotton said : ‘ We are very concerned about Barnet 's financial situation and will be looking to the club for assurances that they will be able to meet their commitments . ’
9 Convincing objections have been raised to every theoretical explanation which has so far been provided .
10 New houses are to be built on the site of the former Cameron maternity hospital and its facilities have been transferred to a new unit at the town 's general hospital .
11 There have been many other schemes where vandalised and derelict estates have been transferred to the private sector for sale as luxury housing .
12 Ten prisoners have reportedly been released and two others , whose sentences have not expired , have been transferred to an undisclosed place of detention .
13 AEA employees have been reacting to the recent announcement about our forthcoming restructuring into three Divisions .
14 Two objections have been received to the proposed change .
15 False notions of rationality have been imputed to the Modern Movement in architecture , stressing economic and technological imperatives .
16 I do happen to have responsibility for nearly two thousand lives on board , though God knows my powers of concentration have been tested to the full of late . ’
17 Second , it is possible to derive a single overall measure of test performance from all the subtest scores , once they have been converted to a common scale of measurement .
18 fil files reside ) , are visible from the second page of option 7.2.2 — View One User , and have been assigned to the relevant LIFESPAN users .
19 THREE Northern Ireland health experts have been appointed to the newly-constituted UK Central Council for Nursing , Midwifery and Health Visiting .
20 Bristol 's ambitious plans have been presented to a wideranging audience : the leaders of many of the largest companies in this country , including , for example , BT , Sainsbury 's , IBM and Hewlett Packard , Booker and United Biscuits , Smith Kline Beecham and ICI ; the Directors of the major charitable trusts , such as the Wellcome Foundation , the Leverhulme Trust , CRC and Action Research , and the Rayne and Nuffield Foundations ; Government and learned institutions including the Royal Society , the Advisory Board for the Research Councils , MRC and MAFF ; and the press and media such as The Economist , The Director and Nature , together with leading journalists ( not least Bristol graduates Sue Lawley , Rosemary Hartill and Liz Howells ) .
21 I have been limited to a reduced number of pages , but I have tried hard to make them count .
22 However , last summer I saw German secret high command diaries , charts and maps , which have been given to the Imperial War Museum .
23 Experimental tests of the Hashin-Shtrikman and Hill-Walpole bounds , which lie , of course , within the Voigt and Reuss bounds do not appear to have been made for single polymer systems but , as discussed later in this chapter , they have been applied to a styrene-butadiene-styrene system and to a composite of glass beads and epoxy resin ( Arridge & Crowson 1979 ) .
24 A variety of techniques have been applied to the complex structural and stratigraphic regimes which have affected the Lower Palaeozoic rocks of the Southern Uplands .
25 The inward grace is that we have been born to a new relationship with God .
26 That does not alter the reality , and representations have been made to the chief executive of the SDA arising out of what was discussed in Committee .
27 As a result , a number of changes have been made to the following general SVQs :
28 According to this book , contributions of goodness have been made to the Created God , albeit unknowingly , by the countless thousands of individuals who , through many centuries have deliberately lived their lives constantly expanding , supporting and practising those human traits universally acknowledged as virtues .
29 So to limit the interpretation of the word would follow the principle that words in a statute which have , or can have , a general meaning may have to be given a specialised and narrower meaning in order to make sense of the legislation and to avoid the conclusion that changes have been made to the existing law which can not have been intended by Parliament .
30 That challenges have been made to the liberal humanist tradition by Marxists , structuralists , deconstructionists , feminists and others is not , however , to say that these challenges are widely accepted or even taught .
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