Example sentences of "'s [adv] [adj] that [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Well if th if there 's somebody whose listening in the Derby area who can help us with a street lamp that 's out and it 's rather important that it get put on , and it 's been out for six weeks now
2 Being over-logical e.g. it 's only fair that you go on holiday without me , as you work and I do n't worry anyway !
3 because they do n't give a specific definition as to what a landlord is or a rich peasant or a middle peasant meant that how that there was a lot of flexibility within that and it 's only later that they have to reissue those two documents on how to analyze the classes which erm which had been published in nineteen thirty which they felt that you know the Party 's moving too far away , but why did n't they do it at the time ?
4 It 's obviously best that he continues to believe you 're at the bottom of the Danube , or halfway to the Black Sea by now . ’
5 Although I do put details of funeral arrangements in will in connection with buried or cremated , in practice it 's much better that you tell your intending executors what 's intended , because sometimes the will is n't even opened until after the funeral .
6 At any rate , it 's apparently vital that I see this chap .
7 Erm both the Labour and the Liberal parties , erm think it 's extremely important that we maintain this provision for the curriculum pupils who might wish to have petition early and we will maintain in full so the current level of provision under section eleven will be May next year , which puts a large sum on the money into that , this is growth in expenditure , the making up of government cuts , increasing the money we 're spending , it 's not increasing service , it 's simply continuing the current current policies but it will continue as it is now .
8 RSPB spokesperson Frank Lucas says ‘ It 's especially worrying that we have discovered a serious decline in bird numbers in what should be one of the best protected areas in the UK .
9 I think he 's fit to go and he 's so unhappy that it seems unkind to keep him caged up .
10 It 's so woolly that you do n't even really know what this problem is .
11 Do you honestly think your company 's so scintillating that I want to spend still more time in it ? ’
12 John Barrett , who succeeded his lifelong friend as the BBC 's senior tennis commentator , said : ‘ It 's so sad that he did n't have time to enjoy his retirement .
13 ‘ Which is why it 's so super that he agreed to this interview , ’ she quickly covered her slip .
14 However in this aircraft we have specified a very high degree of re reliability and if you look at the total number of occurrences for each piece of equipment that are going to require maintenance , it 's so low that it does n't justify the provision of maintenance facilities on every base .
15 ‘ She 's so little that we re-make everything to her size .
16 But on the other hand as is often the case , there 's so much that you 've got you do n't need , that when you finish your removal you want a whole lot of boxes in the corner out the way until you 've sorted er everything else out .
17 He 's so good that I 've ended up basing all my choreography around him . ’
18 It 's so good that I came to know Jesus as Lord before this silly disease got so bad .
19 Oh yes , er I mean she 's so lucky that she has all living in Griffing .
20 He 's so intelligent that I do n't think he would even take his glasses off before doing it .
21 That 's why it 's so important that she has efficient help . ’
22 ‘ It 's desperately important that we have these new facilities ’ he says .
23 It 's just good that it looks like we 're winning .
24 Of course it 's just possible that she has poor eyesight — a woman like that would be too vain to wear spectacles .
25 Oh you can keep going though totally over the top I thought well Joseph 's was twelve ninety nine and Ben 's was fourteen nineteen ninety nine and that 's just tough that I 've got you know , I ca n't get Charlotte 's any cheaper than that , but , I mean they 're not gon na know how much I 've , they 're not gon na say well you 've got five pound more than what I have cos they 're not of that age so , that 's how I 've left it , that 's what I 'm gon na do , I 'll get her the circus and then they can swap them over and Joseph will be happy that he got something on wheels
26 Only it 's just lucky that he 's got a lot !
27 It 's vitally important that we mark the forty fifth anniversary of the N H S.
28 As I said from the start it 's vitally important that we do everything we can to defend Hospital .
29 It 's vitally important that I find my sister ! ’
30 So these people are important to you , so it 's vitally important that you do n't let them down , because initially this business has a strange effect on you in as much as it seems to take over your mind , does n't it ?
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