Example sentences of "were [v-ing] [prep] [pron] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They had moved their army south from Milfield yesterday , as soon as they were sure by what route the Scots were returning towards their own country , and chosen their position on the northern bank of the Glen water , a mile and more from its confluence with the Till .
2 In two weeks of December the number of male vagrants had risen to 371 , which included 252 ex-soldiers , and the master was of the opinion that the increase was due to the fact that many of the unemployed in London were returning to their own towns through the casual wards .
3 And Charles 's tactics were damaging to his own subjects : the peasant who declared that he dare not get out of bed in the morning for fear of the English spoke for many of his compatriots , and the unchallenged presence of English armies on French soil not only caused substantial physical hardship to the population but also lowered Charles 's prestige .
4 It is possible they were acting on their own initiative , in the belief that Stalin would have been pleased to have Kirov removed .
5 It was as though he were acting as his own warm-up man .
6 Luke was speaking again — and this time the eyes were turning in her own direction .
7 Ehm , Bank Holiday August , well were going with them that weekend cos like .
8 I wonder how well we were doing against our own plan ?
9 ‘ But we had managers who were trying to get us to play the steak houses of LA , which is like a trip to nowhere , and yet there was this cult thing growing on the East Coast and in the South , and it turned out that by the time we joined Fleetwood Mac we were headlining in our own right to five thousand people in the South and East , but totally starving in LA !
10 Scholars like John Aubrey ( 1626–1697 ) became interested in the information they were collecting for its own sake , and not simply as evidence gathered to prove a particular point of view .
11 But it seems more likely that ninth-century landlords , still using ( why not ? ) the old terminology of the Roman fiscal system , were exacting on their own account dues that had once been owed to the state , rather than acting as tax-collectors on the state 's behalf .
12 Yeah sorry I was also tal we were talking about our own membership
13 They were entertaining in their own home , not a restaurant .
14 Even now the two Rainfords were watching from their own table and Maggie 's face flooded with colour at the looks she was getting from Peter Rainford .
15 Then he realised that they were referring to their own attack on him .
16 The artists were not following standard picture cycles but were indulging in their own fantasies and jokes , often amazingly smutty in the margins of pious liturgy .
17 The matter rested there until his return , during which time Clanny and Stephenson were working on their own versions of a safe lamp .
18 After the demonstration , television film crew members , who only yesterday morning were reported to be ‘ under surveillance , ’ were lecturing to their own crowds of supporters .
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