Example sentences of "were [vb pp] for [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the London and North-Western and the Great Western Railway companies were criticized for their poor provision of workmen 's trains in 1892 and a parliamentary select committee was still pressing for the provision of cheap trains for workers in 1905 .
2 Many of the members of the Apothecaries ' Society in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were distinguished for their scientific attainments
3 Silver and gold are rare and were prized for their monetary value , appearance and resistance to corrosion .
4 The Indians used the berries to dye feathers and fabrics , and they were prized for their healing properties ( wounds were bathed with the juice ) .
5 And those like Dave Nellist and Terry Field , who were dropped for their Militant views , are standing as Independent Socialists , sensing that in a hung Parliament re-recruitment is on the cards .
6 Individual signs and symptoms that seemed useful in the χ 2 analyses were evaluated for their independent ability to predict hypoxaemia with a multiple logistic regression technique .
7 The museum , set up in the 1780s by his great-great-great-grandmother Izabela , was the first didactically historical museum in Europe ( both the famous ‘ Lady with an Ermine ’ by Leonardo that starred in the National Gallery of Washington 's recent ‘ Circa 1492 ’ exhibition and the remarkable Rembrandt landscape were collected for their historical associations rather than their artistic merit ) .
8 The services of the Bow Street Runners were obtained , two of whom , Chalk and Fowler , were selected for their rough countenances .
9 Cawarden 's entrepreneurial skills were used for his own benefit as well as that of the monarch .
10 Piper 's designs were admired for their sombre beauty .
11 Twenty years later , her collecting bug has paid off and she now has an unusual collection of antiques , most of which were bought for her previous home .
12 The new rulers were noted for their commercial sense , and the city site was too important to remain undeveloped .
13 Ryders were noted for their meticulous preparation of cattle food .
14 It is worth noting that what Lorenz meant by the memorable phrase was not that there were unlearned instructions for learning , but the instructions were adapted for their present use by natural selection .
15 In a business where agents were known for their sharklike qualities , Bernie had an endless struggle to conceal a naturally generous heart .
16 It sounded so convincing — but then , according to Lisa , Leos were known for their acting abilities .
17 Its seven years since the American band Dr Hook split up : now the lead singer from the group who were known for their naked encores is back on the road .
18 Many people were arrested for their political affiliations .
19 The defence of volenti was held to be inappropriate but the plaintiff 's damages were reduced for his contributory negligence in riding with a drunken driver and failing to wear a seat belt .
20 No 3221 Set by Naomi Marks You were asked for Which -style guides to everyday objects — like cookers , fridges , etc — written in kulcher-babble .
21 And , as officials at Lord 's were criticised for their harsh treatment of the player , Lamb was celebrating in Cape Town where he is currently playing for Western Province .
22 From the ‘ other side ’ in World War Two cheap tickets were issued for their armed forces .
23 His waters were drunk for their health-giving properties and as refreshing beverages , sometimes mixed with syrup or wine .
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