Example sentences of "were [v-ing] [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Right at the beginning someone said they were enjoying life at the moment because they were able to do what they wanted to do in Scotland .
2 The Congress of People 's Deputies voted overwhelmingly in favour of renaming the Russian Federation ‘ Russia ’ , but within minutes members from the republics which make up the huge state were demanding restoration of the word ‘ federation ’ .
3 However , there was substantial US Congressional opposition to a free trade pact with Mexico ; the US unions and the citrus and textile industries were drawing attention to the job losses which such an agreement could entail for the USA , while environmental groups lobbied to warn of the implications of Mexico 's less stringent controls on industry .
4 By 5pm , the bridal pair were speeding south to the Princess 's Gatcombe Park estate in the Cotswolds .
5 It was that in no way was I going to bring a coffin from Stoke-on-Trent to Llandderfel on the roof-rack of a Metro and that they were driving north for the weekend and would stop off and pick it up on the way home .
6 Civil engineers were checking damage at the site yesterday .
7 ‘ There are no allegations that any of these were selling information or that there was any fraud involved but they were causing chaos on a scale that could n't be imagined , ’ Mr Richardson said earlier .
8 They were causing distress to the firm 's staff and amounted to a nuisance .
9 The trees were rustling silver in the moonlight and the garden , as always , waved its grass nonchalantly , trying to suggest that nothing was going on .
10 in spite of continuing claims of IT skill shortages in 1984 , one-third of students completing IT Advanced Courses did not have a job to go to and were seeking employment at the end of their courses ;
11 Five or six stones had toppled from the pile and were lying half-buried in the snow , and some red and white cloth streamers that had been tied to a branch of the tree fluttered slightly in the breeze , torn and faded from the wind and rain .
12 They were compiling information for a guide to the Great British pub-goer .
13 Well , next morning we were cleaning silver in the butler 's pantry and the bell rang calling us to breakfast and this is where the fun began .
14 The Daughters would n't have enough water with them to waste on her , but the children were shovelling sand at the woman , trying to smother the flames .
15 A little further on they had to skirt an area where a gang of workmen were shovelling rubble onto a lorry .
16 Meanwhile , the team were turning decline into a slump .
17 Unless we were adding value to the constituent parts of the group it seemed to us that our plain duty would be to break the group into smaller constituent parts and hand them back to the shareholders .
18 They were heading south-west along the road to Kinsai .
19 The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) reported in mid-February that Kurdistan was on the point of collapse and that hundreds of thousands of people were facing starvation as a result of the Iraqi blockade and the cutting of supply lines to Iran by snow and to Turkey by a lorry strike .
20 We were haemorrhaging money on the house .
21 During the troubled times between 1880 and 1883 , when the Fenians were active , ( the IRA of that time ) , and successive dynamite outrages were arousing consternation throughout the country , an anonymous communication was received on the eve of one of Her Majesty 's periodical journeys warning the Government that an attempt would be made to wreck the Royal Train .
22 Fortunately , his fame had not yet reached the gutters so the winos were not aware that they were providing material for a movie star 's performance .
23 It was as though he were dictating material for a paper in one of the journals or addressing a class of senior students .
24 From our interviews and observations it was apparent that many members were experiencing frustration through a lack of sense of direction or achievement in this field ( in the survey 25% of respondents felt that their board had achieved little in any field of activity ) , although they were not clear how this might be improved .
25 In the late 1950s , the Low Countries ( Belgium , Luxembourg , and The Netherlands ) were experiencing precipitation with an acidity of pH 4.0 to pH 4.5 .
26 Everywhere , expensively dressed people were buying food with an air of dedication .
27 Among the Cossacks , traditionally the epitome of loyalty to the throne , there was evidence that accumulating financial grievances and resentment over inadequate land grants were fuelling disenchantment with the regime .
28 Eliot describes how working men who went to the music hall to see Marie Lloyd and who joined in the chorus were performing part of the business of acting , collaborating with the artist in a manner essential in all art , most obviously ( for Eliot ) in dramatic art .
29 ‘ There was a sense the dealers were losing ground to the auction houses ’ relentless PR blitz ’ , says O. Kelley Anderson , a dealer and the fair 's director .
30 On the main altar , Father Paddy and Father Donnelly were concelebrating mass with the Bishop .
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