Example sentences of "were [vb pp] [coord] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Over 16,500 were born , and 13,135 were traced and studied in 1975 .
2 Former workers repeatedly insisted there were quality problems with work after they were sacked and replaced by raw recruits .
3 To assess the value of gastroscopic cancer surveillance of patients with pernicious anaemia , 56 patients were re-endoscoped and biopsied after three years .
4 They were completed and opened on 6 December 18 60 with places for 400 pupils .
5 Most of these schemes were completed and sold in 1982–3 .
6 Her breasts were crushed and pinched by callused fingers , her thighs lifted to meet the demands of the muscular buttocks thrusting against her .
7 Some were given or sold to favoured high-ranking officials and court favourites , a practice developed by Constantius II .
8 If facilities were not provided or routes were withdrawn or changed at short notice consumers should have a statutory right to go to a statutory body to seek redress .
9 But even in the nineteenth century , the drawing-room ballads and theatre tunes ‘ of the bourgeoisie ’ were heard and reproduced by many workers , just as ‘ art ’ music was regaled to them by brass bands and in promenade concerts ; while ownership of ‘ folk ’ songs would be a matter of dispute between ‘ peasants ’ , industrial workers , petty bourgeois writers and artisans , and patrician collectors .
10 Whereas the FAOR team took a high-level global view of the departments and the CSSU , in the second phase all the filing systems were examined and quantified in fine detail , and existing problems and long-term needs were discussed with filing and branch clerks , and the potential customers of the system .
11 Only 343 cases were diagnosed and reported in 1991 ( provisional data ) in men aged 15 years or over , fewer than in any of the preceding 10 years .
12 It is , however , perfectly consistent with the view that the content and practice of both were differentiated and reassessed in new and portentous ways .
13 In September several senior officials were dismissed or reprimanded for poor work in the consumer goods sector .
14 Even the Mughal gardens were uprooted and replaced with sterile English lawns .
15 However , many godly ministers were fined and imprisoned at this time .
16 Fragments from these cDNAs and unique oligonucleotides were radiolabelled and used for probing cDNA libraries constructed in the λ Zap II vector ( Stratagene ) by standard techniques , or were purchased from Clonetech and Stratagene .
17 Her nails were torn and rimmed with black , as filthy as the rest of her .
18 After emptying and washing each well , 100 µl of sample or standard ( diluted 1 in 80 in phosphate buffered saline , pH 7.2 , and containing 0.1% Tween and 0.5% bovine serum albumin to prevent non-specific protein binding to the plate ) were added and incubated for one hour .
19 The outbreak of civil war and the death of King John saved it : when the Great Charter was re-issued on 12 November 1216 , after the accession of the infant Henry III , article 48 regarding ‘ evil customs , was one of the ‘ difficult and doubtful ’ clauses which were omitted and postponed for further consideration .
20 The 702 and 739bp gel-purified PCR products were linked through their complementary 21nt tails to generate an env gene fragment incorporating a SfiI/NotI cloning site : the two fragments were mixed and subjected to three cycles ( 94°C-1min , 40°C-1min , 72°C-2min ) followed by 17 further PCR cycles ( 94°C-1min , 60°C-1min , 72°C-2min ) after addition of ologonucleotides envseq7 and Bglenvrev ( 5'-TAA TCA CTA CAG ATC TAG ACT GAC ATG GCG CGT-3' , complementary to MoMLV pol nucleotides 5766 to 5785 and with the 5' tail incorporating a BglII restriction site ) .
21 An individual tachyon whizzing backwards through time is not going to have any discernible effect on the past : it would be only when streams of them were encoded and transmitted to hypothetical ‘ tachyon detectors ’ that the paradoxes would begin .
22 Their extensive lands were organised and run from these focal places , which often appear relatively insignificant today .
23 Six hundred races were cancelled or rescheduled in 1987-88 and 800 last year , the worst on record .
24 We were wined and dined at great expense and the next time I met Tommy he thanked me profusely for assisting him on that evening .
25 If industries in other countries were weakened or depleted by German domination , and if the single currency removed the competitiveness of weaker economies while the Social Charter , with its minimum wage , insulated German workers from competitively low wages abroad , then one could well imagine economic decline and rising unemployment on the periphery of the EC financing the German stranglehold .
26 The reasons for this phenomenon are varied : the tightening bonds of serfdom and the greater degree of social regimentation introduced by Peter the Great meant that a number of previously innocent practices ( tree-felling , salt-gathering , trespass , begging , vagrancy , and so on ) were criminalized and punished with hard labour and exile ; popular protest against the proliferating powers of the state in the form of minor revolts , mass insurgencies ( for example , Bulavin , Pugachev ) , large-scale banditry and escalating rates of petty crime were similarly dealt with ; the abolition of capital punishment for criminal offences in 1753 led to its replacement with ‘ civil execution ’ ( public flogging and mutilation followed by perpetual katorga ) ; and laws passed in 1766 and 1769 changed the usual place of penal servitude from Rogervik and other locations in European Russia to the silver mines and factories around Nerchinsk .
27 In all , 30 companies contributed ; in addition to the 13 questionnaire replies , nine were prepared to speak on the telephone , of a total of 25 called , and eight were visited and interviewed in more detail .
28 In the Survival Study , children were visited and dosed by trained fieldworkers every 4 months for 2 years in seven survey rounds .
29 Then , by a very unlucky chance , we were seen and chased by two pirate ships .
30 There is no evidence that pearls were sought or used as precious substances before the emergence of civilized states , and when pearls were adopted they were commonly used in jewellery together with precious stones .
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