Example sentences of "were [vb pp] [adv prt] for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A party from Wick High School were booked in for the weekend .
2 For some good reason no Hurricanes were available and orders were telephoned through for the Fulmars to get airborne and gain altitude over Hal Far .
3 Finished cloth and yarn were hung out for the approval of the merchants and their servants , the broggers , as they rode round the countryside in search of spun yarn and woven cloth .
4 Children were out playing in the schoolyards , shouting and enjoying the sunshine ; shops were closed up for the dinner hour .
5 They were cleaned up for the arrival of summer and then it was not unusual if they were repaired before the onslaught of winter .
6 He sent her some of his notes of what he had seen in their walks and frequently let her see his ‘ papers ’ before they were copied out for the editors .
7 Schemes of the same kind were drawn up for the forests of Chute , Pickering and Knaresborough , and in the soke of Somersham within the forest of Huntingdon , which the Attorney-General reported ‘ had not been in use for a long time past .
8 The boundaries were drawn up for the Directive on a Commune by Commune basis with the vast majority of Communes being entirely allocated to one or other LFA zone .
9 With competition becoming intense the first set of Motor Racing rules were drawn up for the Paris-Amsterdam-Paris race of 1898 .
10 PREMIER John Major and his bungling sidekick Norman Lamont were shown up for the joke double act they are yesterday .
11 ‘ People were very friendly and we were invited in for a number of cups of tea during our stay , ’ PC Mardon said .
12 Staff who helped care for American casualties were invited back for the occasion … along with a cavalcade of military vehicles from the second world war .
13 At the back of the house was a lock-up gaol and if any one caused any trouble they were locked up for the night , then transported the next morning by the local ‘ taxi ’ , which was a horse and cart , to the police station at Brough to be tried .
14 Northumbrian villages , though protected to some extent by castles and garrisons such as those at Carlisle , Naworth , Harbottle and Norham , tended to be built in a sort of miniature bailey around a large square green which could be gated when cattle were brought in for the night .
15 Rules were laid down for the management of schools , and the provision of finance by local authorities .
16 All patients were followed up for a minimum of two years through the inflammatory bowel diseases clinic .
17 Out of the 25 patients discharged from the hospital 21 treated by endoscopy and two treated with surgery were followed up for a mean of 28.3 and 22.5 months , respectively .
18 In the same year Forbes described 22 patients with contraindications for surgery in which an endoprosthesis was placed , of these four ( 18% ) developed cholangitis , three had a repeat endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with clearance of the ducts , and two died of unrelated causes , the remaining patients were followed up for a mean of 14 months with no complications ( 17 ) .
19 The other 43 patients underwent long term endoprosthesis placement and were followed up for a mean of 15.9 months ; six ( 15% ) developed cholangitis requiring surgery or endoscopic clearance of the ducts , there were no biliary related deaths .
20 Ten patients died of unrelated causes and the remaining 10 were followed up for a mean of 26 months with no biliary symptoms .
21 Eight patients of group 1 and seven patients of group 2 were followed up for a period of >3 years ( mean follow up 47 ( range 37–60 ) months for both groups ) .
22 The problem arose again thirty years later , when their energies were channelled off on a crusade which ended in defeat at Nicopolis in 1396 , and yet again in 1444–5 when , after the truce of Tours , the ‘ Ecorcheurs ’ who were , as their name implied , ‘ skinning ’ France , were led off for a while to Switzerland and the imperial lands .
23 In fact , 32 houses , 3 churches and 2 gardens were taken over for the building of the Clementinum or Jesuit College .
24 Open field sites in the vicinity of London were taken over for the construction of studios in the belief that it was heaps of brick and iron rather than organizational flair that explained the success of Louis B. Mayer or Samuel Goldwyn .
25 Ten thousand people were taken up for a guinea a ride of a few moments .
26 We were taken off for a shower — which was welcome as I had n't washed properly since the night before I left London- and then shown our beds in the barrack rooms on the second and third floors .
27 In later years some swings were put up for the school , but that was after my time .
28 Finally that evening the engine pulled into Maidstone where they disembarked , and were put up for the night at the local barracks of the Royal West Kents .
29 The 20mm and 40mm quick-firing guns here were in or on concrete emplacements , and although the crew of the outer guns were knocked out for a time the Germans got this battery firing again , and the searchlight on the Mole 's tip was never put out .
30 Last year , 20 players were sent off for the use of elbows .
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